My kids are obsessively checking for eggs.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 5, 2013
One of our RIR started laying on Monday. We've gotten 3 eggs from her. This morning the kids found a broken one and are convinced that one of the GLW laid it and the RIR is due to give us one today. They've gone out about 50 times today. :lol

I think they also think that since we have one girl laying, the others are going to start, too. Which we do have 2 others that are at the any day now point, so we should see more eggs, soon. But they are kind of funny with all the running in and out.
How cute! Your RIR will be laying off schedule for a little bit! As will all pullets just starting to lay. As for the broken shell, make sure you are giving the girls oyster shells mixed with their feed for lots of calcium, which produces strong shells and reduces the chances of and egg breaking inside of your girls and causing problems!

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