My leukemia's back.

Sorry I haven't been on much - kinda working through some issues since Linda's death but improving a bit, I think, with the help of some brand new "Happy Cappys". Thanks, OGM, for sending me the FB message about all of you I've been expecting it, dreading it, and probably in a lot of ways hiding from it. Her humor, good sense, and courage will live on in our hearts and minds, and my heart goes out to her loving family.

Anyone but me remember an old song called "Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet?" Yeah, it's been like that. Heaven has been gathering the cream of the crop, and it must be a much brighter place now than it even was before. Love you all!
Hi Blooie.... Sorry I was worried.
But people here can disappear any time any day and we would never know why.
Hope your trip was a pleasant distraction anyway.
Welcome back, Blooie! Beautiful family you've got there!

Sharing everywhere! One of the granddaughters staying with us came upstairs and says, hey grandma, I painted this for you. I cried. She is 17. View attachment 1092356
That is beautiful! She's very talented. A treasure for sure - both the painting and the painter.

RATS! If I'd known staying off the keyboard would have resulted in seeing your smiling face up here, I'd have kept it up for awhile longer!

Thanks for posting the link to Rachel's interview. I read it a long time ago but I was still kinda new so it didn't mean as much to me then as it did when I reread it a few minutes ago. Human nature, I guess.

Got a good dose of a natural anti-depressant that I didn't even have to "take with food or water." Linda and Russ' son and daughter-in-law added two new baby boys to their family on Wednesday! They are absolutely beautiful, big, and totally healthy and needed no medical care beyond what any newborn needs. Linda's grin is lighting up Heaven right now! She so wanted to be here when they were born, but she's got a much better view to watch them grow up than any of us do! Until the twins were born, we were all calling them "Darrell and Darrell" but now we know they are Cash Walter (6#3oz) and Owen Anthony (6#5oz). Welcome to the family, fellas!

View attachment 1092997
Congratulations on the new little ones!

@FridayYet - prayers for you and your dad. You've got a lot going on right now. I hope you have a good support system of friends and family. You know you've got one here.
@granny hatchet had a major heart attack. :fl
Please add her to your prayer list.
Really?????? Oh no! Prayers and more prayers of course scared-smiley-face.gif

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