My lovely Dawn’s 10th birthday ❤️


Nov 28, 2020
Today I wanted to take the opportunity to shows some photos of my bantam mix Dawn, who turned 10 in April.
She is the queen of our coop, by far at the top of the pecking order and a grumpy old lady. I have often seen her bossing around our much bigger (but much dorkier) salmon faverolles.
She is also a very reliable egg hatcher (assuming we had any to hatch) and goes broody every year at the same time without fail. (I once found her sitting on 13 eggs once, which I didn’t even know she could do.)
While not a particularly cuddly bird, she doesn’t mind perching on you and will sometimes rest in your lap if she feels like it.
She is incredibly protective of her flock and has survived raccoon attacks as well, I once caught her in the yard pecking a rat to death!
Sometimes she’s a bit more like a rooster than a hen with her attitude. She is quite the no-nonsense bird.
I got her when I was 8 and now I’m 18, and I’m so happy to have had such a healthy and reliable hen for such a long time. She is a very important friend to me. Attached are some photos of her.


Long live the queen!

One of my Cochin Bantam girls is pretty fierce -- she runs off the rooster and shows no mercy, but your girl sounds even tougher.

BTW, I love your description of your "dorkier" Faverolles. My two like to stand around and complain loudly for any reason or for no reason. Or, visit others' coops and YELL at them to leave their own nest boxes.

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