My neighbor brought some coral for my chickens


Snuggles with Chickens
9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Rockport, Tx
It looks kinda like broken up oyster shell. They scraped it off a boat rudder so I figured it was mostly barnicles but that's not what it looks like. I'm sure it's fine; I'm just wondering if anybody else has used it? Heres a pic:
My mom uses oyster shell for her chickens, it is used as a supplement for the egg layers..I guess it helps the eggs form better.
Yes, as a calcium supplement. It should be really good 'grit' for them, too. I don't want my chicks to get too much of it so I'll have to mix it a little at a time with the big girls' food. It doesn't smell too great this morning. I guess I can store it waaaaaaay at the back of the yard...
Looks like a good grit and calcium source . I will be using pretty much the same stuff for my chickies once they start laying this june. It does stink though cause of the animal matter.
My neighbor is so sweet to bring it for me and it weighs a (figurative) ton. I put it in a feed tub and holy cow, does it stink! I will definately be washing it and then figuring out where to put it.

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