My New Chicken Coop And Run

Wow is all I can say! What a difference. Love it.
Spectacular! He did a grand job!!! Lots of work, but clearly well worth it -- having a nice coop will make your poultry work infinitely easier!

Isn't it winter there now? Or doesn't it get so cold where you are? We're building our coop in the midst of a heatwave. (Not that these chicks came as any surprise -- Mr. Somebody just likes to put things off to the last minute and beyond.)

Your fabulous new coop looks sturdy and very predator-proof -- what kinds of predators are on the prow; there?

Thanks for sharing -- it's really nice,

Edited because clearly I can not type -- or proofread.
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wow!! nice job!! i love the handle on door and the sign! at first when i was opening up the picture, the vines and falling down shed like home,, i was a bit scared,,, oh but then you tore all that down and built a fantastic home for your chickens! you should be so proud!!!!! And your chickens look nice and healthy!

Oh WOW!!!! That is the best before and after. Great colors, nice that you used hardware cloth so it's preditor proof, and lots of space for your chickens and you for easy cleaning.

You may need to raise the water a bit because the chicks are going to scratch sand right into it and I prefer to have the roost with the wide side up so the chickens don't have to grip and balance all night while sleeping.

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