My new goat kids! More pics added!!


12 Years
May 31, 2007
The long awaited day came yesterday! My doe had two kids, a black male and a brown female. As usual, she wanted nothing to do with them. So once again, I get to be momma goat and bottle feed. These are Nubian babies and have already won a place in my heart.
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They are adorable! I am sure bottle feeding at night will be a chore, but they won't be little long.
I wonder how come she doesn't want to be a momma?
Some take to their babies like fish to water and some just dont have that mothering instinct...I have had a few do this but most will take them...usually its the first timers that will do this after a very hard birthing. And then sometimes they just wont and dont want the bother.
Aw...super cute kids!!
There was one that looked almost new born at the auction yesterday. If we hadn't had to leave, I'd a probably tried to take it home!! Poor thing!!

These two are adorable though!! I am sure bottle feeding them will be well worth the effort! Have you ever had any of the offspring grow and do well with their kids when they kidded? Just wondering if it's something that's passed down... or like another poster said, " a first time mommy thing"...etc.

We're expecting our first kids in April, so I'm trying to find out everything I can!


she is 8 years old and has never taken any of her own kids. She took a kid that wasn't hers last year, but not her own. We love her anyways and I love bottle feeding, even in the middle of the night. These times are times with my kids that I wouldn't trade for anything. We love the babies.

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