My new gosling and buddies!


Mar 24, 2021
This is the only little gosling that hatched in my incubator out of seven eggs. It is only four days old, but so active and wants to be next to my husband and I all the time. It has quieted down considerably once I bought the big yellow stuffed toy. This morning he/she was sleeping on top of the top wedged between it and the warming plate!

I had hoped that the mother who is sitting on four eggs that should hatch any day now, would accept the little one, but she bit the little goslings head yesterday.


  • Eric Erica and friends 6 30 22.JPG
    Eric Erica and friends 6 30 22.JPG
    388 KB · Views: 5
This is the only little gosling that hatched in my incubator out of seven eggs. It is only four days old, but so active and wants to be next to my husband and I all the time. It has quieted down considerably once I bought the big yellow stuffed toy. This morning he/she was sleeping on top of the top wedged between it and the warming plate!

I had hoped that the mother who is sitting on four eggs that should hatch any day now, would accept the little one, but she bit the little goslings head yesterday.
You should take one of the mother gooses babies so that your brooder gosling has a friend. ;)
You should take one of the mother gooses babies so that your brooder gosling has a friend. ;)
That is a great idea, did not think of that. I hope that her eggs hatch soon. According to my calendar they should be about a week behind the ones I put in the incubator.

I hope they do hatch. I am not sure they are fertile. She was laying eggs for a couple of months but would not sit on them. I finally found a new home for her "mate" as he seemed to be making everyone miserable including us. She calmed down immediately and within a week she was sitting on four eggs.

I had taken all the eggs away when I removed her mate. I did she her mate with one of the other male geese a few times before sitting, so I am hopeful that they are fertile.

Things are much quieter with out the mate and better for all of us!

Thanks again for the suggestion. The last time this happened I bought a little gosling for my new born gosling and they became fast friends even though they were several days different in age. Only problem is that it is an African Goose and has a much different temperament than my little flock of what I think are Embdens and one Sebastopol.


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    601 KB · Views: 3
What a sweet picture
Yes she is a sweet little gosling (or he). I worry that she does not have a goose buddy. She is frightened by the big geese, esp. the African who honks incessantly when Ihave the little one outside. He does not appear to want to do any harm, just very curious. Hopefully they will be more accepting of her when she is a bit older

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