My new quail

Soaking your eggs in a bowl of vinegar over night will leave only a grape skin like membrane left to peel off. I can peel a quart jar full of eggs in about 15 mins this way.... Good luck. Bill
Iv never try'd to steam them. I boil for 7 mins and then drop them straight into cold water. once cool, in the frig in a old ice cream bucket of vinegar. (with a lid)
Iv never try'd to steam them. I boil for 7 mins and then drop them straight into cold water. once cool, in the frig in a old ice cream bucket of vinegar. (with a lid)


When people says that they put them in venegar do you all mean 100% vinegar.
Yup, straight cider or white works fine, I buy what ever is cheapest. The brown spots on coturnix eggs will be gone and floating in the vinegar in 30 mins. Its just paint! But it looks nasty in the vinegar the next day. it will foam a bit at first so dont fill your bowl or bucket all the way to the top.... Good Luck.
Glad to hear people are interested in raising quail
I have had probably over 200 of them just in the past 3 years. Sadly, not many people in my area are into them and it's sometimes hard to find homes for them so I try to limit my quail population.

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