My new RIR's are fitting in!


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
I bought 6 6 month old RIR's a week ago and they've been kenneled seperately and turned them loose with the general crowd today and they did wonderfully. a couple of my established girls challenged them but it went well. the RIR's put themselves to bed in their own kennel and in a few days I will have an area for them in main shed. I also got an orpington hen from a family that didn't want it anymore(of course, it grew up and wasn't cute) and she'll go into crowd in a week or so. chickens never stop amazing me after 8 years with them.
How could ANYone say Orpingtons aren't cute? I know, I know, it's just not a fuzzy wuzzy chickie boo any more. I think they're gorgeous birds - at least my Buffy is! And she was such a good mother, too! She hatched my first GrandChick.

Congrats on your successful integration.
If its a chicken I love it so I get the throw outs but let me add I can't house the roos and they get eaten but I take wonderful care of them til the end. they're all gorgeous.

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