My new roommate


Jul 13, 2022
Barton Ohio
So I got myself a new roommate/ house guest My hen hawk (ironically that would be her name I tried to change it to Erica Jr but she won't respond to Erica jr just hawk)was attacked by a hawk over 2 weeks ago.

She lived and she is thriving the Attack did leave her hearing impaired. She is currently living in a pop up kennel in my upstairs bathroom while she heals. I know she still has a long ways to go yet.

I'm asking my BYC friends and experts, if anyone can tell me what I should do with her daily. Let me try and explain better. I feel like she's bored and she gets a Little depressed when she is bored. She gets up at 7 when I turn the lights on I open her kennel up and sometimes she will come out and sometimes I gotta reach in and grab her and bring her out.

I sit in the bathroom with her mostly the entire day until it's time for bed. I love my baby but I have been neglecting EVERYTHING in my life to hand out with her. I have taken her outside (holding her of course or walking behind her) sometimes she loves it other times she's literally shaking like she's scared.

Is there something I can do for her more to stimulate her or give her something to do? She is alone I don't have another heb to go with her and I don't think it's such a good idea with her injuries to be with any other hen. Sorry if I rambled on I didn't know how to correctly get to the point lol
She lost her left ear completely there is just a small hole where her ear use to be. the veterinarian confirmed she is hearing impaired. She also has no eye lid on her right eye. Other then those two she has healed very well.

She received a chunk out of her neck on the left side. Lucky the hawk didn't get any thing major so she had a puncture wound from being on antibiotics last week its almost completely healed. You can't even tell she had a puncture wound. The Hawk took all the skin off her left side and tried to take her right eye.

The vet said she didn't think she could be with a regular flock again . Because of the hole in her head where her ear was and her hearing. She recommended to try and put her with older hens or other handicapped hens.

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