my old chicken has a swolen toe.


Nov 24, 2019
Hi to day i just saw that my old chooks toe is swolen. I have no idear if it is somthing that happened in the past or what she dose get piked on in the flock even though she is head of the pecking order (flock leader,alpha ect.) point is if i can figure out what is rong whith her i can hopfuly help her so she can live the last year of her life nice and easily and so i can stop her please who ever is out there please i need help.
If she's got dirty feet, do give them a good scrub on the bottom and around the top of the toe- that will expose whether it's bumblefoot or if the poor girl may have broken the toe, that sort of thing. And if you can give us a picture of the good foot vs. the swollen toe foot, that's also helpful so we can see what's "normal" for her.
just remembered somthing. one night i was going to put the chooks away and i had a runaway which was her and im pritty sure i steped on her foot
but for some reason she has a horn coming oyt of here leg and i think that its only a male thing?

Is it possible there's something wrapped around that toe? It could just be the nature of the swelling but there's kind of an indentation, where I've marked her toe with orange. From the top side, the two areas in green are the most suspicious looking in terms of damaged scales, but the entire area outlined in blue looks swollen.

Can we get another picture of the bottom side - the first one is unfortunately too blurry, and we need the underside of the damaged area- I know it's a hard spot to get holding onto the hen with one hand and taking a picture with the other.

If we could get a better look at the bottom of the foot, most especially the swollen area that would help to see if it could be bumblefoot or not - but I'm leaning more towards injury. If those are injured/damaged scales, she may have gotten her foot caught in something and struggled to get it out- or if the limping is new since the accidental foot stepping- that's a very likely candidate.

Do have a good look and make sure there's nothing caught around that toe constricting it (the orange marked area).

That is a spur bud- and actually some hens do grow actual spurs! So that's totally normal, even if just on one leg and not the other.


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