My peahen- found a new home- she wont leave the chicken coop,


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Northen Va
Yes, my peafowl and chickens will be together in runs...... if blackhead isnt in your area.. and its not around where I am.. so why not?

My peahen and the others I am getting were all raised with chickens.

Guess what? my boy hasnt even arrived yet- and already I am thinking about getting 2 more.. so that would make it a total of 4 ...

Or can I just get one more boy.... ???? but that would be two boys and one hen..which they would fight then right???? or is it kinda like the rooster world... one is more dominant over the other..etc

so they all share the same run, the thing though is well, she has her own place.. but has decided to move in with the chickens.. LOL



Oh and cant wait now.. if I am getting two more... and have 4/ to build that other pen.. with the netting up and over the tree.. whooot whoot..
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You should not have more males than hens, it is a recipe for disaster. They might not fight but if they do it will be bloody, the man who owned some of my birds before me said the male I have now killed the other male he had and that was with a ratio of 2 males to 2 hens. SO if you got four I would get 3 hens and one male
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well, I did hear that.. the boys grew up together.. I hope that helps.. shoot.. I was hoping someone was going to say.. you dont need that extra hen.. until they begin going thru their breeding ages..

how old are males when they hit that breeding age??

thank you.. and for your advice
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Okay, I've been dying to ask you this..Where did you get a PINK Silkie!!!! ????

Lol, tell me u didn't miss the whole pink silkie silkie..ehhehee

Or are just making fun...lmao..hehhehe..ahahahahahahahah​
Lol, tell me u didn't miss the whole pink silkie silkie..ehhehee

Or are just making fun...lmao..hehhehe..ahahahahahahahah

Seriously 'gal!! WERE DID YOU GET IT!!!
Send me your avatar chicken!!

That is what I'm talk'in about!!! Package'er up and send'er my way!! I'll be the first person ever to sell Pink silkie chickens for easter!!!

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