my pet chicken reviews

Yeah, I could. I just would rather not end up with 2 actual blues, or 2 blacks, or a black and a blue and no splash! Lol I suppose I could try to find someone to take the ones I don't want and keep ordering "blues" until I get lucky and receive a splash!
The chicks hatch and are picked at random. Since the pen is BBS we don't know how many of each will hatch in each batch. I personally LOVE Splash too and wish I could order about 20 of them.
Sadly, they won't even pick over the chicks for me.

They also have this year a blue EE, it says you will only get blues. Different than the blue Americana.
Yes, these are very exciting this year. I'm not allowed to tell recipes but these are a really nice blue cross with big puffy cheeks. They should lay a nice green egg.

Would those be the Carolina Blue Sex Link Easter Eggers? I ordered some of them as hatching eggs.
The Carolina Blue Sex Links are a different "recipe". They were designed for those hatching at home that wanted to know the sex of their chicks right away. This summer, we will also have our Green Magnolias for sale. They are an auto-sexing Green Egg Layer and most of them are crested. They are a TON of fun and I think they are going to be very popular. Right now they are only available as part of our Intense Color Collection.

Thank you,
My Pet Chicken
The do look similar, maybe Alex from MPC will let you know, I think I look at their website daily.

I'm here, I'm here!

We have had another chicken photo shoot with some of our new breeds for Hatching Eggs. WAIT until you see the pictures! Some of them are already posted. Like the Birchen Marans and Swedish Flowers.

I also have a super secret to tell........we will be carrying rare colors of GUINEAS this Spring!! Lavender, Coral Blue, Chocolates, and more!

My Pet Chicken
The chicks hatch and are picked at random. Since the pen is BBS we don't know how many of each will hatch in each batch. I personally LOVE Splash too and wish I could order about 20 of them.
Sadly, they won't even pick over the chicks for me.

Thank you,
My Pet Chicken
Thank you for the answer, I appreciate it! I guess I will order and trade with other people until I get my splash! I can't wait to see what breeds and colors are available from MPC in a few years when I move back to the states and can finally start my flock! I will 100% definitely be ordering from MPC!

Also, saw the new pictures of Swedish Flower chickens on MPC, they're so pretty! They're already on my future-flock list. I actually live in Sweden right now, but not near Skåne which I believe is where the breed comes from.
Thank you for the answer, I appreciate it! I guess I will order and trade with other people until I get my splash! I can't wait to see what breeds and colors are available from MPC in a few years when I move back to the states and can finally start my flock! I will 100% definitely be ordering from MPC!

Also, saw the new pictures of Swedish Flower chickens on MPC, they're so pretty! They're already on my future-flock list. I actually live in Sweden right now, but not near Skåne which I believe is where the breed comes from.

Hopefully we will have some Splash AM hatching eggs available by then. I know one of our farms is building up their stock so they have have 100% Splash.

Thank you! We love them too. They are so calm and you get to hatch such a variety of colors.

My Pet Chicken
When I ordered my Blue Andelusians from MPC I received two blues and one was a nice surprise! I think you'd have to order more than one to get the splash in the mix. It was VERY obvious which one was the splash, she was the only yellow chickie. Here they are after I received them.

When I ordered my Blue Andelusians from MPC I received two blues and one was a nice surprise! I think you'd have to order more than one to get the splash in the mix. It was VERY obvious which one was the splash, she was the only yellow chickie. Here they are after I received them.

Lucky you! What a bunch of cute little chicks they are!
Well my hatching egg I ordered arrived today and I have to admit I'm disappointed. I should start by saying that they arrived in a timely manner and were all well packaged and included 4 extras, so cudos to them for that. I had ordered their Purely Posh assortment and paid over $200 for 2 dozen eggs. There were 14 differt possible varieties and I received just 4, with two of those (half the order) being varieties of Marans which has me very nervous since they are notoriously difficult to hatch. I also received 4 Creme legbars, which had me excited until I unwrapped them and they are the same green my Easter egger lays, not blue at all. The last variety was Swedish Flower hen, which in happy about, but just wish I had gotten more of a variety. If I knew it would have been so few would have just ordered separate breeds instead of getting a variety assortment, especially at that price. Now Im scrambling to get more eggs locally since this will be my only hatch this year and all those Marans eggs have me thinking it may not be very successful and I was really hoping to get some better cored eggs. If I did it over again I would have ordered separate varieties and not an assortment. Wish me luck!

Hatching update: candled today for lockdown and about half the eggs developed. I started with 28 and 16 made it to lockdown:

9 Swedish Flower hens - 5 developed, 1 blood ring, 3 clear
5 cream legbars - 4 developed, 1 quitter around day 7-10 I'd guess. Two of the developed had fixed side air cells so not sure how that will go.
4 BBS Marans - 2 developed, 2 clears
10 Black copper Marans - 5 developed (I couldn't see much but 5 had air cells), 3 clears, and 2 I couldn't see anything so I set them just incase, but no air cell.

They can start hatching as early as Thursday, hoping it goes well!
Hatching update: candled today for lockdown and about half the eggs developed. I started with 28 and 16 made it to lockdown:

9 Swedish Flower hens - 5 developed, 1 blood ring, 3 clear
5 cream legbars - 4 developed, 1 quitter around day 7-10 I'd guess. Two of the developed had fixed side air cells so not sure how that will go.
4 BBS Marans - 2 developed, 2 clears
10 Black copper Marans - 5 developed (I couldn't see much but 5 had air cells), 3 clears, and 2 I couldn't see anything so I set them just incase, but no air cell.

They can start hatching as early as Thursday, hoping it goes well!

Good luck to you! Fingers crossed!

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