my pet chicken reviews

I usually get my in June because I want good weather too, this year I'm getting them at the end of May, it is a long wait but it's better for the chicks, so I suffer through it, but the plus side is they are out on fresh grass by two weeks old and require less heat..
So true! I'm a bit north of you so my babies will probably be more like 4-5 weeks before their toes touch anything green
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Hi everyone! :frow
Well, after reading everyone's input (especially Blooie. loved how clearly you answered) I decided this year to go with MPC.  Tried another small (actual hatchery) batch shipper last year and tho the birds did arrive healthy, 2 of 5 BA's turned out to be roos and I was not happy at all with the size and temperment of the pullets as they grew up.  Due to losses over the summer I have too much room in my coop (we really can't have THAT now can we?) and decided to try a small order again that's when I stumbled across MPC.  Did my research on line and then of course came back to BYC to check with the real experts.  So, yesterday I placed my order.  Since I live in the land of frozen tozen, I needed first to make sure their packaging would keep my babies warm, check!  Next, a good shipping date (s) for them up here, check!  Good customer service, check.  Then, a breed (s) that would do well up here and blend with my BA's.  Check, (I hope).  I decided to go with a breed I have zero experience with but looked absolutely gorgeous and fit my criteria (again I hope).  I chose Silver Laced Wyandotte.  Had to order 6 because of my zone but that's ok. (But honey, I had to order six, honest! hehehe) I do have room for that many but it will put me to the max.  Fingers crossed there are no roos (hubby has a thing about them) but if they turn out half as pretty as the pics, re-homing a roo would not be a problem.  My birds cannot be delivered before May 2nd so I have a long time to tap my toes but that is really the best time for them to arrive.  Earlier could be really risky for us.  Wish me luck!!!!

I placed my first ever hatchery order and chose MPC too. My order is due to ship May 2nd as well! We went with the cheaper shipping option. I combined my order with a friend because we each only needed a smaller number. She got 12, 6 each golden laced Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons. I'm getting 2 Speckled Sussex, 1each of Black Australorp, Barred Rock, partridge Rock, Silver Cuckoo Marans, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden laced Wyandotte, Buff Chantecler, and Salmon Faverolles! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! May seems forever away.
those are all great breeds, I've either have those or are getting them too. It is hard to wait, but it's nice to have something to look forward to.
Those are fantastic breeds! I love ordering chicks....its like getting Christmas all over again. Alex My Pet Chicken
I haven't read through all 39 pages, so I'll just give you my experience with them. I have not ordered chicks, but hatching eggs.

The first time I ordered eggs 2 were broke. Which wasn't an issue because they packed extras, the eggs were a week late, but hatchability was excellent. My birds are beautiful.

The second time I ordered, my post office never alerted me that they arrived. A month later when I kept calling the post office and asking because MPC said they arrived at the PO, but I never picked up. Anyhoo to make a long story short, all the eggs were spoiled. They were broke inside the box, but this was not MPC's fault. They did refund my order, but not until I was called by two supervisors because they wanted to send replacements, but I had things come up out of my control and wouldn't have been able to incubate them. Anyway refund was given so I was happy.

My only real complaint with them is the way the hatcheries they use packs the eggs, and they are so much more expensive than others.
Just adding my My Pet Chicken experience (so far). I received 15 day old chicks on April 1st this past year and am happy to report they all arrived safe and healthy. They have all been healthy, pretty, very docile birds who get lots of compliments from neighbors and passers by. I was very impressed that they all ended up being hens. There was much stress and debate when I was choosing where to order from, but am happy with my decision. We have a local feed store and TSC that sold chicks but one did not have the varieties I really wanted and the other sold only straight run, so neither really met my needs. I recently ordered hatching eggs from MPC both as a project for my classroom and hoping to add a few more ladies to my flock. I'll let you all know how that goes!
Just adding my My Pet Chicken experience (so far). I received 15 day old chicks on April 1st this past year and am happy to report they all arrived safe and healthy. They have all been healthy, pretty, very docile birds who get lots of compliments from neighbors and passers by. I was very impressed that they all ended up being hens. There was much stress and debate when I was choosing where to order from, but am happy with my decision. We have a local feed store and TSC that sold chicks but one did not have the varieties I really wanted and the other sold only straight run, so neither really met my needs. I recently ordered hatching eggs from MPC both as a project for my classroom and hoping to add a few more ladies to my flock. I'll let you all know how that goes!
What were the breeds you ordered?
An update..... I ordered 28 day old chicks on Sept 8th. They sent one additional female chick making my total 29. I ordered 1 straight run lavendar orpington (and of course I ended up with a roo). I also ordered a "mystery chick" and of course that ended up being a roo too. These 2 roos, I can deal with because they were a crap shoot when I ordered them. The OTHER 2 roos, I am disappointed about. I ended up with an easter egger and a black sumatra roo (both should have been females)....,so, I have mixed emotions right now about MPC.
I'm tending to believe, if you order straight run or mystery chicks, you get the "left overs" of the pre-sexed group.....I could be wrong, but the odds don't seem to be in my favor.
The most disappointing part is feeding the chicks for 4 months only to hear another crow in the morning.
On a positive note, all my chickens survived and have thrived.

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