my pet chicken reviews

Hopefully after they warm up a bit and the world stops moving for them from all their travels, wishing you luck that they all do great.
Hopefully after they warm up a bit and the world stops moving for them from all their travels, wishing you luck that they all do great.

Thank you!

Here they are snoozing away. I just love them so much already. Praying hard they all make it! Thanks for your kind words and advice everyone!
Overall I'm happy with MPC. The chicks were well packaged with two heat packs under the straw.. It was quite cold weather for April and I thought they did a great job keeping the chicks as cozy as possible! I ordered two blue silkies and 4 assorted silkies and I got just that! I'm thrilled that I ended up with a buff as well because they were sold out of buffs, but still had the assorted option available and I got lucky! They don't have any birth defects that I can see and other than being pretty weak from the long travel time
(not MPC's fault) they seem healthy and bright!
It was a stressful experience with the post office and stressful trying to help the chicks as they were all weak when they arrived with two being very close to death. Crossing my fingers they all pull through.
All in all I'm not positive I'd order from a hatchery again just because I get high anxiety waiting for them to come and trying to save them once they're here, but if I did order again I'd definitely use MPC again!!
There's my review so far! Once they get older I'll post again so you all can see what they look like and I can see how well they were sexed! Hopefully all girlies :)
I lost the weakest one tonight. :( hopefully the remaining 5 will pull through, but there is one other one that isn't doing wonderful yet so trying to prepare myself to lose that one too. Poor little babies.
A tip for future reference. There is a product that has saved many an over stressed chick (and older bird) for me. It's an all natural, inexpensive product called Nutri-Drench. It is a rich nutritional suppliment that is the only product that doesn't require digestion so it is super fast acting. I always have a bottle in my first aid kit and my shipped chicks get it as soon as they arrive. It was specially designed for shipping stress but is great for all helping your birds recover from all types of stress.
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I lost the weakest one tonight.
hopefully the remaining 5 will pull through, but there is one other one that isn't doing wonderful yet so trying to prepare myself to lose that one too. Poor little babies.

Oh no! I'm so sorry! Please make sure you email [email protected] so we can refund you for your loss.

Thank you,
My Pet Chicken

My chicks came in. Hopefully everything goes well, this is our first time with chicks. Butts are clean, they seem warm enough and they've discovered their food.
Picked up our 5 chicks at the post office yesterday(2 standard, 3 bantams)! Everyone arrived happy, healthy, and very rambunctious. We are very pleased with the customer service! Everyone seems to be sexed correctly
. We got 2 Easter Egger Bantams(Olive & Hazel), 1 Black Silkie Bantam(Melanie), 1 Buff Laced Polish(Daphne), and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte(Sunny) everyone super beautiful and sweet.

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