my pet chicken reviews


2 weeks old. My chicks are all healthy. A lively bunch!
I'm so sorry, I find that the USPS is inconsistent when it comes to updating tracking information. It seems that some packages get updates every 15 minutes and others don't give any warning before they are delivered. :(

I can't wait to hear how they do!

My Pet Chicken

My updates were great! USPS even sent texts to my phone. My mailman delivered to the door , they also sent a text to tell me when they would deliver that day.
Just got an update! They are two hours away! Really hope that means they will be here "early" and not sitting around so close for days. Have my kids prepped for them not getting here until Thursday though.
Awww, no fair!!! I checked online and the only listing says they are still sitting in Cleveland (since 3 pm yesterday) BUT at the top it says they are in transit and scheduled delivery is by 3 p.m. tomorrow. GEESH!!!

Seriously, glad that you at least are getting proper updates. Be interesting to see which one is accurate. Fingers crossed we both get our chicks tomorrow
More notifications! Two hours ago I was notified they left a city two hours away so they could feasibly be very close by already! I sure hope I get a call in the morning or I'll be swinging by the post office at least to notify someone they should be here very soon. I tried calling today and no one ever picked up! We don't have the most attentive post office. They held a package for a month because my in laws "mail box wasn't installed" next door and then ended up bringing it here anyway because it was too large to fit in a mail box. It was a box of pies from a bakery and they had all grown mold! We mixed the babies feed to ferment and have everything ready!!! I'm so anxious I don't know that I'll be able to sleep!
Thanks for replying. Glad to know it's rather typical for the post office not to update the tracking in a timely manner (it doesn't mean my chicks actually haven't gone very far yet). Hoping the night passes quickly and we get to meet the chicks tomorrow.  We ordered way back in January then added a few more to the order a few weeks ago, chicken math got us before we even got started :). It's hard to wait this last little bit of time.

Placed our order the first week of January and I've had to live with the temptation of adding to the order. Shipping is the same for X-Y amount of chicks and the more you buy the "cheaper" the shipping. I nearly bought a bunch more to just sell once they got here because I wanted to try them all!!!
Placed our order the first week of January and I've had to live with the temptation of adding to the order. Shipping is the same for X-Y amount of chicks and the more you buy the "cheaper" the shipping. I nearly bought a bunch more to just sell once they got here because I wanted to try them all!!!
I've added to my order twice! I need to not look for the next week.

They're here! Tending to one silkie with, I think, pasty butt but all the rest look great. holding the silkie in between gently unpasting so typing one handed. I had all these months to research so feel pretty prepared and a little overwhelmed too.
Finally got a USPS "update" tracking email this morning. According to them my chicks left Cleveland sometime after 4 pm Monday and didn't arrive in Milwaukee until 2:27 this morning, what? ( I am certain they went straight from Cleveland to Milwaukee, that's why it only took 34 hours) Oh, and it gets better. They arrived in Milwaukee @2:27 a.m. ok, but according to them the chicks then left Milwaukee @ 2:28 a.m.!!!! What did they do, wave scanner at the truck as it drove by?

Since there is another "hub" 4+ hours to the north, then 2 hours to the west to our county seat PO then 40 miles to our little PO, after you add in truck sorting and switching time (I doubt any other stops are going to be as "efficient" as Milwaukee
) and since only one truck a day comes north to our little town, I doubt I will be seeing my poor little chicks today. I can only pray that they are not holding them in an unheated truck and that the heat packs are still working because it was cold last night and is supposed to hit the low 20's tonight. If these chicks don't make it, this is the last time I will be getting any birds mailorder. It's a shame really. MPC is a great company with amazing customer support but we are all at the mercy of a totally disfunctional organization once they leave the hatchery.
My tracking was like that too. A text woke me at 2:22 am to let me know they were in Nashua, NH which is about an hour and a half away. No more tracking happened after that but my local post office called me at 7:30 am to come pick them up. Frustrated with USPS, happy with MPC though.
@Jujubaraand @bbhorseflyOh I am so tempted.

@catsndogs4ussuper cute babies!

I hope all arrive safely. My eggs went all over the nation but made it here with only one casualty so far. But MPC is replacing my order in june.yay yay yay. Love this place.

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