my pet chicken reviews

Tracking updated at 7am that they were 15 minutes away. Then an hour later that they were at the po. Got a call 15 minutes later to come get them! Sadly, a Buff Orpington and, double sadly, my Partridge Rock were DOA. One of the SpeckledSussex was so tiny, couldn't stand up, open her eyes, just lying in the bottom. We "dew drop" got some SavAChick into her. Slowly she started swallowing. Then taking her weight on her legs. Then blinking. Now she is standing, wobbly, looking around, cheeping and pecking! The Salmon Faverolle is also very tiny so we're cuddling the two of them together on a heating pad under my hand. Hope they all pull through now! Watching them all like a hawk, but the others are considerably bigger and more active.

I hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship!
Tracking updated at 7am that they were 15 minutes away. Then an hour later that they were at the po. Got a call 15 minutes later to come get them! Sadly, a Buff Orpington and, double sadly, my Partridge Rock were DOA. One of the SpeckledSussex was so tiny, couldn't stand up, open her eyes, just lying in the bottom. We "dew drop" got some SavAChick into her. Slowly she started swallowing. Then taking her weight on her legs. Then blinking. Now she is standing, wobbly, looking around, cheeping and pecking! The Salmon Faverolle is also very tiny so we're cuddling the two of them together on a heating pad under my hand. Hope they all pull through now! Watching them all like a hawk, but the others are considerably bigger and more active.
Awwww. So glad you got them, sorry for the losses. Why would they ship such tiny babies? Hope they make it. Glad for you that the rest appear healthy.
Awwww.  So glad you got them, sorry for the losses.  Why would they ship such tiny babies?  Hope they make it.  Glad for you that the rest appear healthy.

I don't think they are abnormally small. Probably just the later hatchlings. The Golden Buff has a little bit of a "hernia" where the yolk absorbs. From what I read it should heal fine. No pasty butt on any of them! Yay for that!
no pasty on mine either, I have one runty one (although she was one of my rare breed assortment chicks) so I have no idea what she is. she is drinking and eating though.
So fun hearing about everybody's new babies! I hope that all due to arrive today really do. Sorry for anyone who had a loss. Our tiny buff silkie that was the only sickly looking one on arrival didn't make it even an hour. Tried everything then just held her until the end. She was so much smaller than even the other silkies, must have had something wrong with her. All the others, 5 silkies and 18 full sized babies look and are acting fine and healthy. Now to figure out just what breeds we have! We ordered some specific breeds but then did 2 Marans Collection, 3 brown egg layer assortment and 3 rare breeds assortment so we would have a surprise. I just look at them all and look up breeds online and can not figure them out yet!
So fun hearing about everybody's new babies! I hope that all due to arrive today really do. Sorry for anyone who had a loss. Our tiny buff silkie that was the only sickly looking one on arrival didn't make it even an hour. Tried everything then just held her until the end. She was so much smaller than even the other silkies, must have had something wrong with her. All the others, 5 silkies and 18 full sized babies look and are acting fine and healthy. Now to figure out just what breeds we have! We ordered some specific breeds but then did 2 Marans Collection, 3 brown egg layer assortment and 3 rare breeds assortment so we would have a surprise. I just look at them all and look up breeds online and can not figure them out yet!
I got four marans collections, four rare breed assortments, 2 black copper marans roos, 2 buff orpingtons, and 3 golden cuckoo. I think I have the marans figured out but the rare breeds have me stumped.
We are rural, it's a 20 minute trip from our post office. I guess our post office is more friendly.
The folks at our PO are very friendly and helpful as much as they can (they're all our neighbors after all) and do what they can but they are the end users of a totally disfunctional system. Our little office is responsible for a huge delivery area and just "running them out" every time a box comes in just isn't possible. We are fortunate that they are still open at all. That is why they have such a huge coverage area. They keep closing the small town post offices up here. That's the other problem. We used to be able to get stuff reasonably on time but Wausau is no longer a distribution point just a transfer hub so the trucks go north from Milwaukee to Green Bay, then BACK southwest to Wausau then BACK up to all points north. Totally stupid. I just got done talking with our postmaster. My chicks (along with several other shipments apparently) left Green Bay at 9:00 this morning and still are not due to arrive in Wausau for another hour. She called Wausau and was told there was a mix up with the routing along the way. She was told they are going to bring them into the warehouse for the night and do the best they can to keep them warm but I told her there really is no point since they will be loading them into unheated trucks at 2 a.m. in 20o temps where they will spend at least another 4 hours (most likely more) and even in the best conditions they will arrive here well outside the 72 hour window.
I still don't even know if MPC even put a heat pack in with them (even tho I did stress it could still be cold up here)
which I guess probably wouldn't matter in this case anyway.

I definitely will NOT be ordering chicks by mail again from anyone unless they are coming from a lot closer.
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