My portable brooder and new chicks.


12 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Dillsboro, IN
I have my chicks in the house during the day and move them to the mudroom at night. I have yet to start building my outdoor coop and run (they are still in the box). I hope everyone likes the setup. My doxies have been very well behaved thus far. I am acclimating all my dogs, and cats before the chicks are ready for outdoors. I added roosting posts and took out the long chick feeder and put a mason jar feeder in instead. I hope to have new pictures soon.



I have 3 buff orpingtons, 2 barred rock,2 RIR and 3 Silver laced Wyandotts. (my spelling of chicken breeds stinks even though I work for a vet) I have 10 chicks total. They are all supposed to be pullets but I suspect one RIR is a Rooster because he is very very loud. Monday I am going to take a fecal and set it up at work to check for parasites/worms. They all seem to be healthy and happy little feezers:D
thank you for your reply.
Hey I'm loud and I'm not a rooster
> For the first time I have SLW I am so excited, aren't they beautiful birds? Good luck on your chicks... ours are the same age (4 days)???
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