My precious Carol Jean

I'm so sorry about Carol Jean.
So sad! Sorry for the loss of your silkie girl. I lost a young silkie to an unknown predator today... very bummed!
Last December my Golden Red Sex-link, Ruby, was killed and she was my special girl. Why do the predators always seem to go for the special ones???
thanks for all the replies Someone dropped off a little kitty and the poor thing wants love. I can't bring him in my home because of my dog. However he likes the chickens and the love and food I give kitty Poe. I placed the cat inside the coop at night and they all get along. My flock are free range and everybody seems happy. I plan to get kitty shots and I'm adament on cleanliness no litter box inside coop danger! My only concern right now is the future chicks that will be hatched in the spring. Hoping Poe will not kill them. I do know from past that the mother hen is very protective of her hatch and for that reason I believe the cat will know to back off. Any suggestion about disease or comments would be appreciated /
Ohhhhh...I know your pain!! The special ones never leave our hearts. Carol Jean had a wonderful life with you and her peers. Try to dwell on that! So, SO sorry for your loss.

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