My progress (New Update 11/4 Only 1 silkie made it)

Yea, the rain is nice... We really needed it.

Glad I can babysit the incubator. I can't wait to candle and see how many viable eggs there are!
I really hope you get a good hatch on the ones left from Jen.

Mine are on day 14, some are under a broody and some in an incubator that I got from Lisa (dipsydoodle). I candled on day 10 and all but ONE is looking great thus far. I can't wait!!

Good luck to everyone!
Well, it wont be a good hatch considering most were not viable and I took them out yesterday. I have about 3-4 (my memory sucks and I am at work) out of 18. But if I can get any it will be better than none. It took a week to get them here but they looked perfectly fine. Who knows about these things. Just a waste of good eggs and hard earned money. She has more eggs for sale but I can't afford to pay for more right now so I will have to go with what I have for now, lol. Jaynie is so sweet and was very helpful and sent me what she had after my 3 chicks were taken by a hawk, so maybe I will still get a good hatch from them. I will let you know.

Well, today is day 16 for my eggs and the ones from Jaynie and then on day 14 with Jen's eggs. I am still 100% on my eggs from my faverolle pullet and her silkie/sizzle roo partner. Those should be interesting if they hatch. I took one more of Jaynies out, I guess I missed it the last time. It was quitter, so down to 8 from 11 on those. Still pretty good for shipped eggs. I have about 4 left of Jens that look good so far. Not going to get my hopes up though considering I started with 18 of those. I have my hatching bator up and getting the humidity up in it so I can move the first ones over on Wed night. Then I will have a couple days left on the others. Either way, I should be done by Sat/Sun. Will update when I can. Everyone cross your fingers.

I hope so too. Will let you know. I will candle the eggs from Jaynie and my eggs one more time on Wed before putting them in the hatcher. then candle jen's eggs on Friday before putting them in. Thanks for the support.

Another update. I put the first batch of eggs in the hatcher at the beginning of day 18, last night. This morning when I was checking the humidity and temp, I heard a little peep peep. I did not see an egg moving nor did I see a pip but I could hear him/her scratching. I hope it is ok to hatch a bit early. I have read that bantams do but I don't want any unabsorbed yolks. Keep your fingers crossed for my little ones.

I am waiting to hear. They can peep for the longest time before they make and entry. I have one lone egg out of some i was doing testing on. A silkie. It has been peeping and pipping since last nite. This is day 22. I am still waiting. I have a few more to in about three days so this may be a lonely chick if it hatches for three days.

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