My quail got out!


Apr 25, 2018
If you have seen me various times throughout the year you may remember that it has been my 1st year raising quail and I had them in a rather large 8×8 ground pen and they were as happy as could be. I even had hens laying on eggs and bringing more babies to life. Out of fear they would freeze on the winter we moved them up to a wire bottom hutch with 2 sandbox houses. I can tell they aren't happy as they run away at mealworm feeding time now where they use to run to me waiting and doing back kicks through their wood chips on the ground. I have also had a problem with them flying out when we give them food or water. They never did this before either. Until today the girls were easy to catch and put back, 1 of my girls got out and kept going until she landed on my neighbor's side past his chicken wire fence. Thos neighbor hates us with a passion because my husband starting trapping his chickens he selfishly let free range on our property kicking rocks out of my rock garden on to the walkway to the point I fell and and did knee damage that required surgery. He felt we had no right to trap and dispatch his chickens so there is no way he will let us go get our quail. Sadly she is just gone and I'm sure his chickens will kill her if the heat and lack of food and water don't get her 1st. All I've ever seen was quail in hutches. Does anybody know if they can still live in the winter on ground? They would rather be back there and I would rather them be happy. We just thought for sure they would freeze and that's why we moved them. We live in TN so not overly heavy with snow, but sometimes wind can be so hard here you can actually here it vibrate the windows. Any advise will be great. I will attach pics of the ground pen and hutch so I can get the proper advise


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I would like to focus on getting answers to my quail. No there was no better solution. After begging for over a year (as he is actually my husband's cousin) for him to keep his chickens up. My husband offering his time for free to build a large pen for them to stay in, and me getting injured and no no meniscus in my knee it was so bad, he decided to do something before one of our children got injured as they rousted in our front tree where they catch the bus and flew out on our daughter's head. When you beg for a year, offer free help on your days off and have injuries, and the humane society tells you they can't force them to keep them up and kill them, we were out of options.
Okay, why did your husband try to trap & kill chickens that are not yours? I understand that you and your husband were angry but I am going to agree that your neighbor has a right to be angry you...

But anyway... about the quail... is there anyway you could possible lure her back into your yard (with treats maybe?)?

Edited to add: I just saw your post above mine... I’m sorry..
His chickens were on my property causing injuries to me. And my kids. He didn't go over to his place and trap them. He laid traps on our property in our garden, around the tree, and my walk ways. The places they were causing damage. I disagree that he has the right to be mad when he free willing kept allowing his chickens out after we begged him to keep them from our yard and the humane society wouldn't make him do it. My other neighbor as well had issues and her son started shooting them. I keep my pets on my property.
His chickens were on my property causing injuries to me. And my kids. He didn't go over to his place and trap them. He laid traps on our property in our garden, around the tree, and my walk ways. The places they were causing damage. I disagree that he has the right to be mad when he free willing kept allowing his chickens out after we begged him to keep them from our yard and the humane society wouldn't make him do it. My other neighbor as well had issues and her son started shooting them. I keep my pets on my property.
Again... I’m sorry...

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