My Quail is trying to mate with my cat??!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 29, 2014
Long Island, NY
First, no worries - they are separated...

But when my cat comes around, instead of crouching down and squealing for a sec like she used to, now Omelette does a little tap dance and puts her butt and tail up in the air. I have to get a pic. Is this a mating ritual??
I have a male JP quail, he could not stop crowing at night, 2am, 3am, i thought he is lonely and i put him together with two female button quails( at that time i don't have any female JP quails). He stopped good i can sleep at night...However, one day i came back from work and i saw him was trying to catch my female button quail and try to mate....they are different ..species .. He was so aggressive....I got angry and took him out and shut him aside alone again.
Oh no! Poor buttons. I have read that males should be kept with 3 female for that reason, but I have no experience. My only hatch of 12 eggs is a female. How did you end up with one JP Quail?
Sounds like what the hen do when protecting the chicks. crouching and fluffing up. It could be her way of saying get out of here you stupid cat! lol
I was going to change my quail breed to larger quail. So I decided to sell my button quail and buy more Jp quail. I purchased my first male Jp quail for $1( someone wants to rehome him). Now I realized why... He could not stop crowing at night... If I put him together with other quails. He will bully other male quails and mate my female quails non-stop( and agreesively)
I just read this, Quincy does this too, to most people when approached quickly and from behind (never me though, I think she knows I'm female?). I think the lil things run on instincts quite a bit, which is why they do so well raised by us silly humans who never seem to bathe in dirt or preen.
I'm pretty sure it's the auto reaction and yes she thinks she's about to be mated with.
You know how chickens do a very similar thing when approached the same way? Squat, flatten their backs and lower their head.
That's our two cents....

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