My roo was attacked by a hawk..dont know what to do, need advice


10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Hello all,
I am a new chicken owner. I have a 13 week old roo who was attacked by a hawk last night. He has a patch of skin and feathers missed from his top.. and his right side has been eaten by the hawk-most of his breast and some muscle around his right foot. No organs have been injured. He has lasted 24 hours now. I cleaned the wounds with peroxide and put a gauze roll around him so his wounds are not open. He wont move and he sleeps most of the time. I have been giving him water with a dropper. He will open his eyes only sometimes when he drinks and sometimes he chirps. I dont know what I should do. Should I keep treating him and cleaning out his wounds or should I put him down. He is my favorite rooster and I am having a horrible time dealing with this. Need adivce, please help. Thank you
I've found great info from threehorses, you could probably PM her and get specifics. Click on "User List" (above) and type in "threehorses". You'll find how to get in touch with her - she's great!

Also type in "wound care" in the Google Custom Search Box (above, right). Scroll down - there's a lot of info there.

I think after initial cleaning, most advise not to continue using peroxide. But I'm trying to get you this info in a hurry and you can check it out more carefully.

Good luck with your roo - been there, done that!
no more peroxide. Slather it is bacitacin, or neosporin with out pain killer. it is good he is wrapped but you want it to breath a little I would think. be careful of flies they will land and lay eggs if they can. It sounds pretty bad but I have heard of horrible injuries healing. I have had a few birds that were badly hurt heal. the skin can grow back quickly.

Also give it a probiotic mash and I would get an antibiotic for infections but I donbt know what to recommend to you.

hopefully someone will step in.
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