My rooster attacked me

Can I ask how this turned out since the last post of him not attacking since? I ask because I had a similar experience, I made a post about today. I thought it was my bright coloured shirt poking out from out of my jacket originally that upset my roo for the first time, after a few weeks though its become a regular thing, so I’m curious what it was for you!
Can I ask how this turned out since the last post of him not attacking since? I ask because I had a similar experience, I made a post about today. I thought it was my bright coloured shirt poking out from out of my jacket originally that upset my roo for the first time, after a few weeks though its become a regular thing, so I’m curious what it was for you!
I think it was his hormones kicking in. It’s a rush for him. I’ve noticed in the morning and in the afternoon before bed is when his hormones are stronger. Lol he mostly only tries to attack me during those times. My male ducks protect me lol they will chase him off. But if the ducks are distracted he will jump at me. I just talk to him and tell him no! If I am wearing my gloves I will grab his leg when he jumps just so he knows I am going to get him. I don’t hurt him. If he doesn’t quit then I will try to grab him but it usually ends up with him running away from me or me chasing him in the yard. He leaves me alone after that. I don’t think he’s a bad boy at all. It’s just his surge of hormones lol. They will settle down. I hope. I can be in the yard all day with them and he is fine. I will sit down and he comes near me like super close and just pecks at the grass around me. I can tell when he’s going to bite me or jump at me and usually before that I tell him no rooster and he will leave me alone again. It’s rare that I do catch him because he’s fast but I catch him when he’s going into the coop at dusk and I hold him for a while. He acts like the most innocent thing ever. Lol falling asleep and putting his head against me. He is so cute. Yesterday before the sun went down I was in the coop fixing the roost and he got scared and jumped on my head. I got scared cause I thought he was attacking me. But he just stayed there on my head. My mom helped me get him off my head and I held him until we fixed it and he didn’t want me to put him down lol. He does love me. I know it 😂 I mean he even lets me shave his nails down with the electric pet nail file tool. And he will eat and drink water straight from my hand when he is being nice or when I have his favorite treats.
His hormones started around month 5? And I heard it will level out when he is a year old. In Sept he will be 1 year. Until then I will be holding him every chance I get. If you can catch your rooster I would hold him. Walk around with him under your arm.
Do whatever you think would help. I’m sure you read the other replies. A lot of information.
I saw this on YouTube also.
I tried to do it but he wouldn’t get down on the ground he kept kicking so I just held him. He was too scared. I felt bad for him. He’s a good boy lol. He’s doing it less. I walk right past him sometimes like inches away and he does nothing.
Anyways I hope your rooster stops attacking you. Let me know if that helps or if you have any questions.
Ugh yes! My 5 month old is a little menace. My mom suspects he’s trying to breed me. Since he paces around me in that breeding like stance as well. He doesn’t harm a hair on my boyfriend, but bites me so damn hard.
That is what mine has started doing. He prances around me and then attacks my legs! my husband can go in and out of the coop no issues.

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