My rooster is a wuss!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Pax, WV
I have an 8 month old rooster named Wyatt Earp.... when I brought him home (at 6 months) he had a rough time getting use to my girls. Actually they beat him up pretty bad. Since then, they have all finally been getting along. He seems to try to be the man in charge but the main hen still runs the show! He is not very agressive and I've never seen him mate with these hens (but I did see him with the others where I got him from, he had several roosters there that taught him well! LOL) When I'm cleaning out the hen house or working around the coop he just paces back and forth "fretting" up a storm. It is absolutely hillarious. He keeps an eye out on the girls while they are in the yard too. Is he normal or will he get more agressive later? Just wondering... I'd never get rid of him because he's quite entertaining! He reminds me of Harvey Coreman from the Carol Burnett Show!! (if anyone out there is old enought to remember that far back) LOL

I though when I named him Wyatt Earp he'd be quite the gun slinger... instead he might should have been called "Peaches"!
my boy is a wuss too !

he is 17 weeks old had him since day one always been awuss and runs under mum still - its funny to see

he runs away the secondyou comeout tothe garden he still has not learned how to crow instead hesings to car and house alarms,

if a pidgoen or even asparrow flys over he does a small whimper and runnns for cover leavingthe girlsto defend themselves or he runs to tell the dog and hidsbehind the dog and takescredit after the pidgeon leaves .

he is an embarrisment to all other boys at the moment,

he doesnt share his food with the ladies and gets told off by hismum for everything he does anything and mum pecks him to say " stop that!"
I would much rather have him than an aggressive rooster. You said he looks after his girls. Isn't that what he is supposed to do? He may be 'doing his duty' when you (the boss) is not around. That is a good sign.
I'm wondering the same about my guy -- will he change or is the behavior I'm seeing now pretty much it?

I have a cockerel I jokingly called "Woody Allen" when he was young because he seemed so very unsure of himself. He was in with his pullets growing up and one of them was in charge for the longest time. They'd fight and he'd retreat to a quiet corner away from the fray. He did eventually take over, though, and he's engaging in normal rooster activities at 30-some weeks of age. He's still meek around humans but he didn't hesitate to jump a hawk that was attacking one of the girls and he puts himself between our dog and his flock. He watches over them and rounds up any pullets that wander too far for his comfort. I'm now convinced that a rooster doesn't have to be aggressive to be effective.
I think he'll improve with age. Since he didn't grow up with the flock, it's quite an adjustment to be just thrown in with a bunch of strange ladies! haha

I think, if they mate in front of you, it's sometimes a challenge. So maybe it's a good thing that he has respect for you.....Glad he's not mean!
that is very true and im greatfull my little wuss is not aggressive its just cause he is such a wuss i always feel im doingsomething wrone when i go to the garden and he runs away !
Thanks guys... glad to know my little guy is pretty much normal. I don't want him to be real mean but maybe with age he'll toughen up. My aunt had one that was so mean we couldn't go into the cage to get the eggs! I still love my little Wyatt Earp because he makes me laugh!

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