My rooster is being aggressive towards me for no apparent reason?

You don't sound like you have a lot of experience with aggressive roosters so cull him right away. You won't change an aggressive rooster of an aggressive breed this late in the game.
Yes I don't have alot of experience with them. It's looking that way there's no other way huh this was just the first it's happening good thing I inquired straight away.
Not necessarily, it's more about certain genetic and personality than care, some do fine with that treatment, some do worse.
That makes alot of sense this guy was always alott different from his brother. The more I'm thinking about this the more I feel like I should've seen this coming or maybe I'm on to nothing but I just never thought about it since he's 15months old now and that faze when their rooster personality starts to appear was past us so he'll be a nice rooster had been my thought.

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