My Rooster won't crow anymore.. (Please help?)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 7, 2011
I have a Rhode Island Red Rooster who would not stop attacking me, so I would simply kick him off most of time. Now this would never really stop him, and he would always come back though this week when he already spurred me once in the same day he tried again when I was going to check on my silkie rooster with an eye infection. I hadn't even neared the rooster when I heard the rhode island red one coming. So turning around fast to kick, and i assume I had a adrenaline rush for the fear of getting spurred again (Cause it hurt!) and as my foot raised he jumped and I kicked harder than usual I guess and he fell to the ground and sorta rolled around, and then tried to run but was all wobbly for at least ten steps and was normal, but for the past few day he hasn't been himself as in he won't breed, crow or come running when I pick up a hen and it screams. I was wondering will he ever be the same protective rooster again?

This is him :

if this is the wrong spot i am sorry!)
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Maybe he has some sort of internal injury? Broken bone? Hardly blame you for kicking him, been there done that, except now when mine go after me they go see my friend, Mr. Chicken Processor.
It sounds as if he received an injury that was well deserved. The loss of coordination may have resulted from an inadvertant blow to the head. If he is eating and moving normally, he should recover and hopefully his behavior will have been modified in a positive direction.
Will he crow again, and breed though?

@All - I think it possible he could, but I don't really know how to check. And my parents don't wanna take him to his vet. He does free-range and eat, when he was roosting one night he let the hens poop on him. Can Roo's get there pride hurt? He also does not come when whe throw special food out like apples for example. Sometimes I also find him just laying around he seems to keep his head down a lot also. the hit was also slightly below the neck area i think.
Any injury caused by a blow to the head can take a long time to recovery. He may or may not make a full recovery. It depends upon the magnitude of the injury.
You may have upset the pecking order. He may now see you as the alpha roo, so his pride may also be hurt, though it could be possible that you hurt him. But it sounds like he needs to visit freezer camp.
He probably has a neck injury and isn't acting himself because he is in pain. I would wait for him to heal and then if ever attacks you again make soup outta him. There are too many nice roosters around to put up with a mean one.
Well today he still seems lagging. He probably has till Tuesday because that is when we go look at other roo's but I hate to replace him.

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