My silkie layed her first egg I want her to go broody what should I do.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 8, 2015
Hello everyone I am new to this forum. I have got a question and I hope there are some experts around to help me.:/ I have 4 silkies :2 Roos and 2 hens, one of my hen layed her first egg today and I really want her to go broody so my question is should I leave the eggs in her nest so she can make a clutch or should I collect the eggs. I have also got another question my other silkie hen has an egg egg stuck for few months and she can lay it I read on the internet and have done what I read but no effect so if you can please give me some tips on that too. Thank you to everyone.:)
I have also got another question my other silkie hen has an egg egg stuck for few months and she can lay it I read on the internet and have done what I read but no effect so if you can please give me some tips on that too. Thank you to everyone.
Ok....I don't understand your question. Can you please explain. What do you mean she has an egg stuck for a few months? What did you read on the internet and do without effect?
I came to a conclusion that she has egg binding, an egg is stuck inside her for few months and she can,t lay it I tried helping her by massaging her with oils but it did not help my question to you is what else can I do to help her?
Thank you for your response
Hello everyone I am new to this forum. I have got a question and I hope there are some experts around to help me.
I have 4 silkies :2 Roos and 2 hens, one of my hen layed her first egg today and I really want her to go broody so my question is should I leave the eggs in her nest so she can make a clutch or should I collect the eggs. I have also got another question my other silkie hen has an egg egg stuck for few months and she can lay it I read on the internet and have done what I read but no effect so if you can please give me some tips on that too. Thank you to everyone.
First can't "make" a hen go broody. Some hens will never go broody while others will be broody often. Many people will use fake eggs or golf balls in the nest to hope to coax a hen into going broody, but there is no saying that it will work. Second, incubating pullet eggs (especially those that just started laying) is not highly recommended due to size and quality of new layer's eggs.

Now, the egg impaction. If she really had an egg impaction (egg binding) most likely she would die w/in 48 hours if the impaction isn't taken care of. Chickens do not stay impacted for months and live.

Why do you think she is egg bound?
I came to a conclusion that she has egg binding, an egg is stuck inside her for few months and she can,t lay it I tried helping her by massaging her with oils but it did not help my question to you is what else can I do to help her?
Thank you for your response

What makes you think that she is egg bound? If she started laying and stopped that isn't surprising. Silkies are not great layers and it was winter. How old is she? If she was actually egg bound she would have died a long time ago. You can't have an egg in them for months and live. If your other girl is just laying her first egg she isn't likely to go broody right now. They will usually lay for several before going broody if they are going to go broody. You do have a breed that is highly likely to do so, but when it happens is hormonal and you can't change your birds hormones. Give her time. One of your two girls is likely to do so.
I think it is an egg bound because she keep on making a position which shows she is going to lay an egg but she never lays an egg and I tried massaging that area and I felt a round ball like thing so I think it is an egg and thank you for the information you helped me quite a lot because I read ways to make a chicken broody but they wore too cruel so I guess I would leave it to nature and enjoy my sweet silkies they are amazing :)
Thank you guys very helpful :) and oh yeah I think I would take my other silkie to the vet.
I think it is an egg bound because she keep on making a position which shows she is going to lay an egg but she never lays an egg and I tried massaging that area and I felt a round ball like thing so I think it is an egg and thank you for the information you helped me quite a lot because I read ways to make a chicken broody but they wore too cruel so I guess I would leave it to nature and enjoy my sweet silkies they are amazing

Thank you guys very helpful
and oh yeah I think I would take my other silkie to the vet.

Can you better describe what you mean by making a position which shows she is going to lay an egg? Where was she and what exactly was she doing. It could be that she was broody.
I think it is an egg bound because she keep on making a position which shows she is going to lay an egg but she never lays an egg and I tried massaging that area and I felt a round ball like thing so I think it is an egg and thank you for the information you helped me quite a lot because I read ways to make a chicken broody but they wore too cruel so I guess I would leave it to nature and enjoy my sweet silkies they are amazing

Thank you guys very helpful
and oh yeah I think I would take my other silkie to the vet.
Pullets do that as the time gets closer for them to lay. My nn/ee started doing the butt down position (laying position I think you are talking about) whenever she was appraoched for a couple months before she actually started laying. I thought for sure she'd be the first to lay...but nope. One of my pullets that hadn't really shown many signs started first. Last week my polish/silkie pullet started doing that, so I figured it'd be another month (based on my other one) before she laid, but she laid her first egg today!! They all differ. I would say that she's just showing the normal signs and as long as she is not sick or has any other signs of something being wrong, just wait and watch. If they are free range or out in a run you might want to keep an eye out for her or them laying in places you might not realize and hiding them as well. Especially if it seems like she's been going through the motions an extremely long time but not laying.
It sounds to me like your chickens are young, and probably your first chickens. I wouldn't worry about the squatting. I think you may be creating worry where there isn't any. As far as making a hen go broody, they will when they want to, especially if they just started laying. Silkies go broody very easily, all of mine brood every year, but you can't force it. What I will do is leave every egg that she lays in the nest for a week. If she doesn't sit on them, remove them and start over with new eggs. Eventually nature will take over.
When she does the "butt down" position, is she throwing her wings out to the side? That means something entirely different. The rooster understands and will take care of that for you
It sounds to me like your chickens are young, and probably your first chickens. I wouldn't worry about the squatting. I think you may be creating worry where there isn't any. As far as making a hen go broody, they will when they want to, especially if they just started laying. Silkies go broody very easily, all of mine brood every year, but you can't force it. What I will do is leave every egg that she lays in the nest for a week. If she doesn't sit on them, remove them and start over with new eggs. Eventually nature will take over.
When she does the "butt down" position, is she throwing her wings out to the side? That means something entirely different. The rooster understands and will take care of that for you
You kill me!!!!

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