My Silver Sussex


Most of the silver type sussex do not breed true at this time.

Have fun with your chickies!
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My Silvers were hatching out all pure silver, and I was so confident of the source of my flock that I even advertised the hatching eggs are pure silver. But the past 2 hatches I've done have had a couple roos with what I consider too much white, so I'm suspecting some Light lineage in there. I read somewhere that Paul at Greenfire himself had bred in some Lights for genetic diversity. Anyone know anything about that? Should I just keep breeding for the true Silvers? It's only been a couple of roos, so I guess it's possible they are just sports?
I cant see why! they are basicaly silver birchen based on a wildtype background(aside from ER and Silver all other genes are wildtype)
Light Sussex are eWh based. That's why crossing Silver (ER) with Light (eWh) can be problematic. Not only is one crossing colors, one is crossing alleles.
quote from above website:
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]For almost three years the first importer worked with the pair, taking their best offspring and eventually crossing
them with the imported light Sussex to boost the genetic diversity in the line. Then, bred back for generations to silvers in order to achieve a bird that is identical in appearance to the original pair."
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