my single rooster looks mangled please help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
Reno nv
I need help! I a had a rooster in our coop he was the first one out there, he was alone for a few weeks because we where waiting for our 10 pullets to get big enough so there 10 hens they are 5 and a half months and my rooster is 7 months old now. Lately he looks like he's been picked on most of his feathers are missing. It looked like he got attacked but all the other chickens are fine he keeps getting worse. I'm sure the 10 hens are messing with him how can I make his life better? please help my rooster Blu and I
Can you let them free range? With more space, they tend to not pick on each other so much.

Sometimes caging up the dominate one will reset the pecking order. Also changing around the coop can reset the pecking order a little. I also have a weak rooster. I was really hoping the best for him, but he does not act like a rooster........And the other roosters do!
I have him in a crate to avoid injury. Not sure of his future with our flock.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X2 free ranging helps reduce pecking. But it also encourages predator attacks.

Pinless Peepers can help the chickens who are pecking at him. Also, make sure the chickens are eating the correct diet and have room to exercise.
Poor boy, I wonder if they make rooster saddles to protect them from "the fairer sex." Your hens must be toting a lot of baggage and are taking it out on the poor roo.
When he really matures and gets confidence, they will be so surprised.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with the above posters. You need to get him out to free range or let the entire flock free range so they are not all cooped up together. Maybe over time they will except him. Pinless Peepers can really help stop feather plucking. I have used them with great success.

Good luck with your boy and welcome to our flock!
Glad you joined us!

The other posters have given you some good advice. It is likely that he is getting picked on, but I would still make sure nothing else is wrong. Check him for mites/lice (just look at his feathers and skin for small moving specks or eggs), and make sure he is acting normal otherwise. It is possible that he is just molting, too.

Good luck with him!
Thanks everyone! They do have alot of range to roam it is fenced off because I live ne a r a freeway and theres racoons and all sorts of pretetors. We're introducing new foods to keep them from bordum. And I'm sorry if this sound stupid but what's a pinless peeper? And oh yeah no lice and mites :)
No question sounds stupid here. Pinless peeper is a piece of plastic that fits over the chickens beak and it blocks their near vision to less pecking of other chickens. I have personally never used this device, so I cannot give you anything further on it
. But feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

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