My spring 2019 chick flock

Update: The flock's looking pretty good :)
Samantha: She has decided that it's very enjoyable to try to fly from one end of the box to the other. I think she's gonna be a handful.

Thyme: Thyme is getting on my nerves! He loves to peck me, but freaks out when I reach for him. He's trying to dominate me too. I stand up tall, stick my chest out, and look right at him. He gets a look on his face like, "Uh... never mind," and backs off.:gig

Hazel: She's walking pretty good, but her vent area is swollen :hmm. I've been treating it.

Kenisha: She's getting calmer when I hold her :D. She once held on to my finger with her foot like a baby grabbing a finger :love. It was a rewarding feeling because I felt like it was a sign that I comforted her.

Not much to report on the others.

Tell me, do any of you feel this way?: Part of me is excited for them to grow up. Not so much pasty butt, less worry about enough heat, and its exciting to see what they'll be like when their grown (except thyme). Yet, part of me wants them to stay adorable little chicks (I kind of miss them being one-day-olds). Oh well. Better enjoy them this tiny while I can.

Bio for Hazel
Name: Hazel
Breed: Buckeye
Sex: "female"*
Received: April 10
Personality: sweet, shy
I think it's like having children. They grow fast and you miss when they were so in love with mama, and then discover video games and mama is just the cook, servant and
buyer of toys.
Here's one picture.

(Form left to right: Lacey, ginger or ty, Gladys, Hazel, Kenisha, tzipporah)

Hazel will come when I call her name (if she wants to)!!! They all love to climb on my lap and shoes, and have earned a new nickname: The Black Friday Shoppers. So called because of their love of charging people when you go to their door and trample each other like Black Friday shoppers.

Ty likes and ginger loves to be held and pet. We have trouble telling them apart now, but at least one of them will almost fall asleep while you're holding them.

We now have foster chicks: Evie and Elma. They're my nephew's chicks they were keeping until he has a coop for them. They're so cute and little!
Here's a few picture updates:
Hazel (the one who had a limping foot)


Lacey (white fluff ball to the left is either Ty or Ginger)

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