My stinkin dog got in the coop again-what do I do????


10 Years
May 15, 2009
Shenandoah Valley
We had one episode and he killed one and injured another a few days ago. So we put 2 strands of barbed wire around the bottom hoping it would deter him. He got in again tonight...luckily I was outside and heard the mayhem and got there in time to save the two he got...hopefully they will be okay, no visible wounds. What do I do to keep him out without getting rid of him? We are thinking of putting invisible fence around the run, but that could get pricy...he is a stubborn Jack Russell that I love dearly-we have had him ten years...BUT I AM MAD AT HIM RIGHT NOW! I know you all are going to say to choose between the chickens and the dog, but I really don't want to have to do that....please help!!!
Electric fence?

ETA: Don't you have a secure run that your hens are in? If not you will probably lose more of your girls. I'd construct a secure run for them attached to the coop.
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Maybe you could build a dog kennel, fenced high, enclosed, so he can't get out. As much as you love him, you cannot let him run free. If he's not in the kennel, then he must be supervised and on a leash.

You've worked too hard for your chickies for your dog to hurt or kill them!

Good luck!
Yes...the girls are in a VERY secure run. The dog is just saavy...we are considering the invisible fencing. It keeps him out of my dad's yard where his dog and my dog don't get along. We'll see...I know that he will respect that. He doesn't like getting shocked.
I don't understand. If the run is secure, how is he getting in? I have 7 dogs - none of them can get at the chickens and they will spend several hours trying.
If your dog got in, a coon, possum, skunk or fox would not have aproblem getting in. Putting an invisible fence up that will only keep your dog out is not going to protect your bird from anything but the dog. You will eventually lose birds to these animals or another dog.
As previous responder recommended a good properly installed electric fence. Or, rebuild your run coop to a higher protective level.
Even getting rid of your terrier is not going to protect your birds in their present accomodations.
We put up a second fence outside the first to keep our two dogs out. There is about a 3 foot walkway between the fences. We have a 9 year old Newfoundland/Chow mix and he has since left them alone unless they fly over then he wants to help catch them. He knows he is not supposed to hurt them but his mouth is so strong that he doesn't know that he can kill them really easy. Our other dog is a Australian Sheppard mix 4 month old puppy. She loves to sit outside the fence and taunt the birds. So we cured that by putting up a layer of weed guard fabric around the fence line so she can't see them. Slowed her way down.
You dog killed a chicken so that is hard to stop. The only other way that I know that works is to tie a dead chicken around their neck and let it rot there. We had a neighbor dog get in and killed all of my chickens. We tied one around it's neck and it never tried it again.
Electric fence, if it is your dog getting your chickens you will hear him yelp at the first shock.
It is the safest way to go to protect your chickens if something is getting in your coop.

Invisible fencing will only stop the animal that has the recieving collar on. So for almost the same price electric fence will stop any animal.
Ok-so I guess I just don't know how to secure a coop apparently. My run is 8 feet tall with chicken wire that is pegged into the ground with stakes aabout 6 inches apart. My dog ripped through the chicken wire, so I guess that isn't fortified enough. We also have boards around the outside to prevent digging in. No other animal as tried to get in. We have deer netting on the top to keep hawks out, and they have a chicken house to sleep in at night with nesting boxes, and another shelter with perches for the day time to get shade etc. After the first incident we strung barbed wire (two levels down low) since he is a small dog. Please do tell me how to further fortify so I can keep him out. Thanks.
Also-the chicken wire is laide about 12 inches on the ground inside the coop-so diggingunder we thought was going to be very difficult. Just for further info to get a better picture on how the run is constructed...

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