My stupidity has killed one chicken and I need some fast advice

Well, the changes I've made with the grit addition, the vitamins in the water and the liver/vit E/oats mush for bkfst the past 2 days seem to have helped. They don't appear to be starving hungry when we open the door, the feed use has slowed to normal, they are continuing to lay--5 eggs from 5 girls yesterday and 3 so far today.

I think we're going to hope the worst is over, do some de-worming and try to relax.

You all have been great... it was a great comfort to have so many of you help with your thoughts/info/experience. You are all truly decent folks, here.
Thank you.

We do miss Nugget though:

I am glad things are improving for you.

One thing I would recomend is that if a chicken dies, you do a necropsy yourself. It has helped me find girls that have died from internal laying as well as other things. It takes a while to get used to the idea, but I have learned a lot as well. Just my 2 cents..............

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