My Sweet Ginger might be George?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Garrett County, Maryland
Hey Yall,
These are my three Golden Comets. They are 9 days old today! I noticed a few days ago that their wing feathers were coming in and there is something very strange happening. Two of them have reddish feathers with black markings, but Ginger the lightest of the three has white wing feathers! She was always a little different than the other two.....lighter in color and a cute little chipmunk stripe on her back but from the same pullet bin marked golden comet. Is there a chance she is a different breed or do you think she's a he? Can't wait to read what you all think.......

my girls looked just like that as chicks twinkie looked just like your blonde one as a chick and now she looks kinda marbled she has red and strawberry blonde feathers coming in and the other 2 have dark red feathers with specks of brown
Wow, beautiful chicks! Does Ginger stand up straighter then the rest? I heard roo's stand up straighter then hens.
Where did you get your chicks? If it was from a bin labeled "Golden Comets," was there a nearby bin labelled "Red Pullets" or "Assorted Pullets" nearby? I ask because sometimes people handle chicks but don't really pay attention to where they put the chicks back... and sometimes feed stores and places like TSC don't label the chicks correctly. If you notice, the ones getting the red feathers in have different markings on their back than the one getting the white feathers in. Golden Comets are sex links, though, and the middle one would be a much paler yellow if it were a Golden Comet rooster. The markings make me think RIR, but with white wings, maybe a RIW? Not really sure... I'm unfortunately not too familiar with these kind of chicks. Anyone else hazard a guess? Fred's Hens? Ridgerunner?
I just read in another post that females feathers are a reddish tint and males are a golden yellow. Sorry, I think you have a boy. I still think they are so cute.
I got them at TSC. They only had two bins that day. Golden Comets and Tetra Tints. I got 3 of each. There were a couple of the lighter chicks in the bin that day. I asked the guy to get me the active, healthy looking ones. Thanks to everyone who answered.....I think they are cute too!
Honestly, you can get absolutely the best advice in the world here, but until you actually see the first egg come from a chicken that you have worried about being male - you won't truly be satisfied with the answer. (I am speaking from personal experience, in case there is any wonder.) It would seem that no matter the "breed" you have here, the color of the chicken distiguishes its sex, so I think you are pretty safe in believing that Ginger is female. They do look like twinkies - very cute, and I love that they are just checking out the computer screen and mouse while walking around your desk.

Good luck - and just think, in several months, you'll have eggs that put all your fears to rest!

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