My very 1st Silkie :)


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2015
We brought home 5 little chicks and one of them is a Silkie (my favorite so far). Since my silkie is only about 2-3 weeks old I know we can't tell if it's a hen or rooster yet and frankly it wouldn't matter, I fell in love at first sight so there is no way I will be getting rid of it turns out to be a roo.

Since we didn't see the Silkies parents we're not sure how he/she would look like. I'm sure my silkie will grow to beautiful, just look at these markings :) I wanted to know if anybody had similar looking silkie chicks and what do they look like now.
And are all Silkies very calm and docile? I think of all 5 chicks we got my silkie is the calmest one and is always hiding when the others play too rough. Again about 2-3 weeks old.


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I'm not there holding the feathers in my fingers, so I can't say for certain, but in the photos it appears your chicks is growing in normal feathers and is a Silkie cross rather than a full Silkie. (Still will be a sweet and pretty bird no matter what).

Hard to say at this stage, but I think you are seeing on the wings the patterning that will develop on the bird itself...a black and white partridge effect.

Very pretty chick.

Lady of McCamley
My silkies are around the same age and look very different. They are not getting feathers in like yours nor have similar markings. I have a to say yours looks to be wearing mascara and liner. Too cute!
Thank you and yes I love the eyes too :) But now I have to find out what my Silkie is mixed with..
Gorgeous! I agree she's a silkie cross :) I say "she" because of the eyeliner and stripes on the back. Do you know if she had a stronger V shape on her head when she was younger? Those are all signs of a wild type or partridge pattern being female. I think she's going to be stunning. Keep us updated!
Thank you autumnhearth I hope it's a "she" and no I don't know if she had a strong V shape on her head, we just brought her home last Monday.
I did take some more closer photos though. Thanks again :)

Unless it is a breed that is auto-sexing by color type that includes a crisp "v" on the head and dark eyeliner, like a Welsummer, it won't make any difference as to gender...and since you've got a mixed breed bird there, it won't tell you anything.

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Unless it is a breed that is auto-sexing by color type that includes a crisp "v" on the head and dark eyeliner, like a Welsummer, it won't make any difference as to gender...and since you've got a mixed breed bird there, it won't tell you anything.


Thank you @Lady of McCamley I will be sure to photos photos as it grows older
Unless it is a breed that is auto-sexing by color type that includes a crisp "v" on the head and dark eyeliner, like a Welsummer, it won't make any difference as to gender...and since you've got a mixed breed bird there, it won't tell you anything.

I agree it's not a pure silkie (sorry) but it's a darling little chicks, and does look to have a silkie parent. Those cool silkie feathers are recessive, so a first generation cross looses them, but you still get the feathered legs, fifth toe, black skin, crest and sometimes beard. As far as color, I'm thinking it looks like a silver partrigde-ish. should be a very striking bird when mature, no matter the gender.

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