My vet is a monster

shots are what bring the owners back in every year for a checkup - the vet's bread-and-butter

And expensive crappy prescription pet food that makes your pet chronically ill.

the best way to get revenge for this horse is to report that guy to the police, animal control, and the local media, and make sure he never works as a vet, or even owns horses, again.

My thoughts exactly, and that is what I was trying to say last week when I warned a rabbit owner here on byc about taking her pet bunny to the vet.... you REALLY have to research who your vet is. but I have to tell you that this person needs to die!!! I cant understand ppl!
Everyone is jumping on the Vet here while having heard only one side of the story.

Isnt it possible the horse was ill, and that is why it was in such poor condition?
He HAD already told the owner it needed to be put down. It seems to me if it were HIS horse he would have done that before it got so bad.

Did she check on the horse then? Did she find out WHY he thought it should be put down?

If he just didnt want to care for it, he could have simply told her to come get her horse.

I dont think we've heard all the details
Time for a new vet, sounds good to me. what an Idiot. sorry for your trouble.
well..this is kinda a hard one because..the owner did say she didnt want the horse put down when the vet called and told her it needed to be put a VET..he should have not let ANY animal get in that condition in his care...he had other options other than just letting it suffer with a sickness....even IF the owner didnt want it put me...they kinda both are to blame...BUT...this is just my humble opinion...and none of us were there and know every single thing that went on between the vet and the horses' owner.....poor horse!..poor heartbroken owner!...its just sad ALL around...
why she didn't check on the horse regularly is odd. The amount of suffering and severe pain that the horse went through before the blissful release of death is horrifying. Was the vet practice a LARGE animal practice? Just because he is vet doesn't mean he knows anything about horses! It sounds like a cruelty case but a necropsy must be done for evidence etc. CRIMINAL NEGLECT is a possibility.
get pictures and file charges. that is abuse pure and simple

if nothing comes of it, at least make sure it gets on the news.

The vet should be tied out in a field w/no food and made to suffer the same.

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