My video of drake attacking or mating female duck is this normal?

Thanks for response... My 3 females are so sweet. And those darn drakes just stir everything up... I will definetly get no more drakes! It would be so peaceful without them... :)
I just got 2 females for my 2 runner drakes and now the female is bleeding on her wing from him being so rough with her. Is that normal??
Ahhhhh!!! The joys of duck love!!!
I just went down this road with my flock. I had two males and three females (worked out great for a year then mating season came), two of the females were being over done by the males and one of them decided to make a nest and get the h outta dodge while the other stayed and continued to flirt even though her neck, back, and some wing feathers were gone. I have to separate them day and night(which isn't great) but at least it has given the one a chance to heal and given me a chance to get MORE females. I couldn't even think about giving one of my boys away or doing something worse. Watch those boys! They can be super stinkers. I have even seen one of my males on top of the other male.
That's why I got the females because one of the drakes kept mating with the other drake and then they were getting aggressive with me. I just got the females yesterday and then I noticed her wing was bleeding today so I separated them.
Oh man... Since I don't have room for more and I have 2 drakes and 1 duck, I'm afraid I'm going to have to get rid of my girl!!
This morning when I let them out, all 3 ran over and jumped into the pond like they usually do. But, right away Raspberry (my big Swedish Blue) jumped on Spot (my Swedish blue girl), grabbed her by the neck and pushed her head under. Peepers (mallard drake) swam over a few minutes later and started bobbing his head at her. But, he's so little compared to her I wonder if he could even mount her!

I did read a bunch of posts here about drakes drowning ducks (because that was, truly, what I was afraid of). But, what I got from all the posts were mixed answers. Therefore, I'm still confused and unsure of what to do. These really are our pets and even though they're not actually 'handled' at all like our dog or cat, we love them - all of them. I, definitely, do not have room for 8-10 ducks in our pen. ...I'm very unsure of what to do right now... I really don't want Spot to get hurt. But, I'm not even certain either of them is hurting her since some of the posts I read said that was normal. *sigh*....
I know how u feel. I only have room for 4 ducks and it took me 3 months to find female ducks.
I had 2 males and 1 females also as brother and sister babies and yes she got over mated so I bought 3 more females and solved the problem.i would have all females anyday over male's. .separate that female right away.

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