Mycoplasma prevention in birds


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2021
My small group of birds 5 partridges and 4 pheasents, have recently got mycoplasma form somewhere, no idea where, I've treated with enfloroxacin it, but I'm aware that it stays in the birds system, how do I prevent it from popping up again, ps billy
What were the symptoms? Did you get one tested? There are several common respiratory diseases in poultry, and usually it comes from a carrier. Wild birds can also bring it in. It can vary from flock to flock whether they get symptoms again later. There can be milder strains and worse strains, and it depends on whether they are complicated with a secondary disease, on how well they recover.
What were the symptoms? Did you get one tested? There are several common respiratory diseases in poultry, and usually it comes from a carrier. Wild birds can also bring it in. It can vary from flock to flock whether they get symptoms again later. There can be milder strains and worse strains, and it depends on whether they are complicated with a secondary disease, on how well they recover.
How do I get it tested?
Many state vets will do it, but some states have to report positive cases. A national lab Zoologix in Texas, can send you 3 testing swabs and material in the mail, where you collect the swab material in the back of the throat or as described, and send them back in for a PCR test for up to 8 different respiratory diseases. It is more expensive, around $80, but is private. If you have a good relationship with your regular vet, you might ask them if they could test for MG.
Many state vets will do it, but some states have to report positive cases. A national lab Zoologix in Texas, can send you 3 testing swabs and material in the mail, where you collect the swab material in the back of the throat or as described, and send them back in for a PCR test for up to 8 different respiratory diseases. It is more expensive, around $80, but is private. If you have a good relationship with your regular vet, you might ask them if they could test for MG.
I'm in the UK, so I'll have to do some research and ask a few vets, what are the tell tale signs it's mycoplasma, the birds have foamy liquid coming from eyes, and the worst effecteds eyes are swollen at the bottom
You can transfer it if say you went to a feed store and wore the same clothes to your birds as its spreads by bird to bird, dust on clothes etc
Foamy bubbly eye on one side, and looking a little under the weather can be the main sign. Eyelid swelling, sneezing, and congestion may or may not be present. Here is some reading about MG: Recognizing and Preventing Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf

If symptoms improve with giving Tylosin, Denagard, tetracyclines, or enrofloxacin, those treat MG symptoms.
Enfloroxacin worked for me

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