I have a long strange story for you. Maybe you know what happened.
So about 5 days ago i was hanging with my teenage crew (6-16 week olds) and i notice one of my roos was still in the coop mid day so i brought him out and sat him on the ground. He turned and went strait back in. I thought that was weird, but i let it be. The next day he was still in the coop so i brought him out again (it was hella hot that day), this time i noticed he was panting and breathing kinda heavy. He wondered over and got some water and then went and laid in the grass with his buddies. I figured i would check on him later. That evening he was still outside hanging with everyone else. He wasnt panting anymore but he was breathing very heavy (thru his nostrils). Like deep breaths. I figured he was still hot and let him stay out with his friends, since it was cooling off and almost night time.
The next day, i checked on him in the morning and he was still breathing very heavy, no panting or gasping tho. I brought him into the house in chicken hospital. Gave him electrolytes and scrambled eggs. He wouldnt touch either. I eventually started dipping some water on his beak and he finally started drinking. Then he drank alot. That day he cleared two water bowls. Then that night he finally ate the eggs. The next morning (yesterday) he seemed perky and normal. There was a crazy amount of watery poos, but no blood or anything too weird. He was talking and standing and moving about. I even took him outside for a bit and he nibbled some grass and ate some raspberries. He seemed normal. I decided to keep him in hospital for 1 more day just to make sure he was good.
Throughout the day he deteriorated again. He wouldnt eat anymore, but continued to drink. He stayed laying down, if i tried to get him to stand (to clean the cage) he just kept his toes curled and refused to stand. He continued to drink while laying down, but didnt eat anymore. He started shaking his head a little, but no gasping, heavy breathing, sneezing, runny nose or any other signs.
Then sometime during the night he passed in his sleep. His body was in the exact sleeping position he was in before i went to bed. No death throws or seizures. In fact he looked so peaceful, i thought he was just sleeping. I had to pet him to realize he was stone cold. His face color looked completely normal too, not pale or purple.
This is such a mystery to me. I have lost chickens for a variety of reason, but nothing like this. There was no real obvious signs to pin point anything particular. I googled like crazy and he didnt have any signs of any common diesese. He was almost 16 weeks old and a Barred Rock Mutt.
I am thinking some internal injury (although he didnt seem to be in any pain and let me poke all over him) or heat stroke. I dont know tho, what are your thoughts?
So about 5 days ago i was hanging with my teenage crew (6-16 week olds) and i notice one of my roos was still in the coop mid day so i brought him out and sat him on the ground. He turned and went strait back in. I thought that was weird, but i let it be. The next day he was still in the coop so i brought him out again (it was hella hot that day), this time i noticed he was panting and breathing kinda heavy. He wondered over and got some water and then went and laid in the grass with his buddies. I figured i would check on him later. That evening he was still outside hanging with everyone else. He wasnt panting anymore but he was breathing very heavy (thru his nostrils). Like deep breaths. I figured he was still hot and let him stay out with his friends, since it was cooling off and almost night time.
The next day, i checked on him in the morning and he was still breathing very heavy, no panting or gasping tho. I brought him into the house in chicken hospital. Gave him electrolytes and scrambled eggs. He wouldnt touch either. I eventually started dipping some water on his beak and he finally started drinking. Then he drank alot. That day he cleared two water bowls. Then that night he finally ate the eggs. The next morning (yesterday) he seemed perky and normal. There was a crazy amount of watery poos, but no blood or anything too weird. He was talking and standing and moving about. I even took him outside for a bit and he nibbled some grass and ate some raspberries. He seemed normal. I decided to keep him in hospital for 1 more day just to make sure he was good.
Throughout the day he deteriorated again. He wouldnt eat anymore, but continued to drink. He stayed laying down, if i tried to get him to stand (to clean the cage) he just kept his toes curled and refused to stand. He continued to drink while laying down, but didnt eat anymore. He started shaking his head a little, but no gasping, heavy breathing, sneezing, runny nose or any other signs.
Then sometime during the night he passed in his sleep. His body was in the exact sleeping position he was in before i went to bed. No death throws or seizures. In fact he looked so peaceful, i thought he was just sleeping. I had to pet him to realize he was stone cold. His face color looked completely normal too, not pale or purple.
This is such a mystery to me. I have lost chickens for a variety of reason, but nothing like this. There was no real obvious signs to pin point anything particular. I googled like crazy and he didnt have any signs of any common diesese. He was almost 16 weeks old and a Barred Rock Mutt.
I am thinking some internal injury (although he didnt seem to be in any pain and let me poke all over him) or heat stroke. I dont know tho, what are your thoughts?