Mysterious Persistent Feather Loss


In the Brooder
Dec 9, 2021
I have one hen with feather loss that’s been persistent for several months and is slowly getting worse. I first noticed a small bald patch on her right wing a couple months ago and figured she must have been bullied. (She’s the bottom of the pecking order and when she was younger the other hens used to pull out some feathers.) I checked for mites and lice, just to be sure, and she was (and still is) free of them. Thinking that everything was ok and she would grow the new feathers back, I decided just to keep an eye on it.

A few weeks went by and she did not regrow any feathers. Worried, I did some research and found out that sometimes they don’t grow new feathers until they molt. So I decided to give it more time.
Fast forward to today—not only does she still have the original bald spot, but now has one on her other wing as well, and they appear to be very slowly growing. She seems to be healthy otherwise. We give our hens fresh water with ACV and oregano essential oil in it every day, she free ranges in a large grassy fenced area and sleeps in a clean coop every night. We keep our rooster separate. I check for mites and lice regularly.

I’m at my wits end and not sure what to do! Any help would be appreciated. The only other clue I can think might be helpful is that a couple other hens have slowed their laying dramatically recently, and we’re in the middle of trying to figure out what that’s all about. I’m not sure if it’s related.
Have you inspected the skin around the feather shafts on the bald spots for redness and crusty buildup that could indicate depluming mites? Provide closeup photos if you can.

What is your location on the planet?

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