Mystery Animal Is Eating My Chickens But It Only Bites Off The Head And Leaves the Rest Of The Body

I have many a chicken killed by foxes:/ here is a picture of the guy I found in coop
With my headless chicken.
I thought the girl was safe in the coop, but the fox dug a hole and let himself in.
It’s a if they do it just because they can.

I have some friends with a bunch of roosters that had their heads removed but the bodies were still there. Now I know what to tell them to do about it. Thank you for the info.
What type of animal bites the head off a chicken and leaves the rest of the body?

These past two weeks have been rough, three of my chickens got killed, but only their heads were bit off and the rest of the body was ok. I really want to know what type of animal it is so I can try to capture it. All I know is that the animal is small, because I found a hole on the back of the coop and it's small enough for a rat to fit it in it, but I don't think it's a rat, I don't think a rat can really bite a head of a chicken. I live in Sacramento, CA and I don't really know of any wild animals around here. Any answer can help, but please try to tell me how I can probably stop it from coming back again.​
I am having that same problem the animal is somehow getting into my 65 foot motor home chicken coop any body please help I have lost about 8 chickens now found four dead today
Possums are all around in sacramento area as well. with all the building going on they are running everywhere. I see them at night many times and they are truly terrifying. I had 2 chickens that were dragged under thier house and found half of their bodies in the fence. Only a racoon or possum could have done that. Heck most chickens will eat rats/mice.
What type of animal bites the head off a chicken and leaves the rest of the body?

These past two weeks have been rough, three of my chickens got killed, but only their heads were bit off and the rest of the body was ok. I really want to know what type of animal it is so I can try to capture it. All I know is that the animal is small, because I found a hole on the back of the coop and it's small enough for a rat to fit it in it, but I don't think it's a rat, I don't think a rat can really bite a head of a chicken. I live in Sacramento, CA and I don't really know of any wild animals around here. Any answer can help, but please try to tell me how I can probably stop it from coming back again.​

I know weasels will some time kill for fun so they will leave the bodies. I’ve also had raccoons kill and take the heads but they eat all the meat off the bodies first before leaving them for me to pick up. If a lot of feathers get left and the body is taken it is most likely a hawk or a fox… but that’s the extent of my knowledge on chickens deaths.

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