Mystery blue egg layer!?!?


Jun 19, 2016
So we have 5 hens in our flock. The girls are just starting to lay. We only have one Easter Egger but we are getting two blue eggs a day! I'm suspicious of our Astrolorpe. Could she be a blue egg layer!?!?
Hey I was looking up the name of the chicken breed you posted but I could only find australorp is that what you ment??? Just trying to help
That looks like a black easter egger ....from my understanding australorp's lay brown eggs.
Australorps do lay brown eggs.

Do "black Easter Eggers" have black legs? I thought EE's legs were supposed to be greenish or slate grey. I ask l because i have a black pullet that was supposed to be an EE but many here think she is a Black Australorp, mainly because of her legs, which are almost a gloss black on the front.

She hasn't layed anything yet so I can't go by egg color.
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Australorps do lay brown eggs.

Do "black Easter Eggers" have black legs? I thought EE's legs were supposed to be greenish or slate grey. I ask l because i have a black pullet that was supposed to be an EE but many here think she is a Black Australorp, mainly because of her legs, which are almost a gloss black on the front.

She hasn't layed anything yet so I can't go by egg color.

The legs tend to be darker before they lay then as they start and keep laying the eggs lighten up a bit. I have several young (four months old now) black EE,pullents and their legs are very dark. I'll have to look closer tomorrow in the light and see if they are a dark green or grey or black.

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