Mystery Chick Breed Guess?


Sep 5, 2021
SE Michigan
Hello All. I purchased some hatching eggs for a friend to hatch in her classroom. I loaned her all my hatching gear and agreed to take the babies back when the class project was done. I have 8 babies total. Some are mixes and some are not. One of the babies has me wondering what the heck it is. It has been pale yellow from day 1. There were no white eggs in the group. Now, at 4+ weeks old, some different color feathers have started to pop up. I look forward to reading guesses. Thanks for looking!

I have a White Cochin Bantam that looked just like that when he was younger. When his feathers grew in, he started growing that shade of color in his feathers. I am not sure if he is purebred. Your chick could also be a White Cochin mix. Just a guess.
I have a White Cochin Bantam that looked just like that when he was younger. When his feathers grew in, he started growing that shade of color in his feathers. I am not sure if he is purebred. Your chick could also be a White Cochin mix. Just a guess.
Would a Cochin mix have feathered legs? If it isn’t 100%, then it could be.

The person I bought the hatching eggs from suggested it might be a Cinnamon Queen or ISA brown. Apparently her chicks are normally very pale and late to get any sort of color to the feathers. I have an adult ISA brown which I never saw as a chick. Is this a possibility? I looked at pictures of chicks from both breeds, and none were pale like this.
Mixed breed :) Second generation Red Sexlinks like Cinnamon Queens and ISA Browns loose all sexlinking ability and just become mixes. I would guess he has some ISA Brown in him. They have dominant white genetics which he appears to have as well. :)
Mixed breed :) Second generation Red Sexlinks like Cinnamon Queens and ISA Browns loose all sexlinking ability and just become mixes. I would guess he has some ISA Brown in him. They have dominant white genetics which he appears to have as well. :)
Thank you for the input. I am also enjoying the subtle he’s and she’s in this thread too. I already think this one is a boy, but am waiting until they are at least 7 weeks to feel more confident. I have a rooster curse, so that is mostly what I am basing it on 😢

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