I don’t know specific people to ask.
go through the forums and find the ones that are giving very informed answers, they are often able to at least make informed suggestions.

By the way, I read something about liquid in lungs and also about a ruptured air sac. I don't know anything about them, but you might want to search such terms in the engine, or maybe just breathing issues. It might bring you to a similar issue

and.. don't forget to just enjoy each other's company. These babies are not the kind to live to be 100... so make their short lives happy with you and for you too. You'll have nice memories when her time does come. (not for a long time! )

I find that the memories of getting to know them as individuals are the nicest when their time does come. I love figuring out their favorite treats and beloved activities.
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Thank you for your replies- I’ve spent a lot of time researching about breathing issues and have come up with nothing that really fits her symptoms. It seems like many of the issues result in death or decline fairly rapidly. She’s been like this for months. I had never heard of a ruptured air sac- that looks terrible albeit not too difficult to correct. Azygous gave me some very detailed information about calcium supplementation. The symptoms she described were so similar that I was certain that was the issue. Unfortunately, nothing seems to have changed. Azygous indicated that I should only continue the supplements for a week since any longer would be hard on her kidneys. Really, she’s otherwise behaving normal.

I do love this little hen. She’s quite the character with one bad foot, bad eyesight in one eye and her enduring head hen attitude. She’s a Roosevelt- walk quietly and carry a big stick. She packs a wallop when another hen gets out of line. I can always count on her to quiet the younger Welsummer twins, Flash and Dash, when they get too noisy. I would be sad to lose her prematurely to something that I could have corrected, but I know that she won’t live forever.
I know your pain... we try to do everything so that at least there is less guilt if we do lose them, but maximum cuddles until we do.

I hope you are otherwise well, and enjoying the early summer.

My girls are very happy to see an end to that snow that covered up all the greens and bugs. Now I have to mend some fences so that they can wander a little more. They find any weaknesses in my fences and tend to run right into the forest when they have a chance. I chase after them telling them about how Little-Red-Riding-Hood regretted chasing bugs in the forest, Hansel & Grettle did not enjoy the wet-mash the evil witch made for them (even if it did have bugs in it), and any other tale that might warn them of bad consequences of running off, but they have quick legs and no fear. (they take after my spouse, he is fearless)

I hope you see her recover from this mystery of hers.

I wish I had more help to offer you, but I am here if you need someone to read you and encourage you.

I send you all the unconditional love that you shower on them, and keep you in my prayers.

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How is she?
Sussy is exactly the same. She hasn’t laid another shell-less egg (or any other egg for that matter) since it happened and she still rocks forward and back when she sits for long periods of time and breathes noticeably heavier. She eats, drinks and moves around with the flock and has stayed on top as head hen :) I gave her calcium citrate for a full week with no real change. I’m completely fine with her just living out her life the way she is as long as she feels fine and doesn’t have any other issues because of whatever the underlying condition is. Of course, there’s no real way to find that out without taking her to a vet (which I’m certain would over stress her) so I’ve opted to just keep an eye on her. I took this pic of her today while out near our beehive.

Another two eggs showed up in the droppings today and yesterday. The pics are of the same one from different angles. The other one got mixed into some bedding so not very photographic. I found this one after work today so it’s been drying out under the roosting bars. Sussy is behaving about the same, but a bit less active this past month. The weather is heating up into the mid 70’s and she’s never very active in the heat. Eats fine, drinks water. Should I start giving her more calcium again? I don’t see any egg white with them. You can see the shell, definitely thin. Ideas?


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