Mystery hen

Beer can

Crossing the Road
9 Years
Aug 12, 2014
Upstate NY
I bought the Meyers " Leanns adoot me" mystery chicks and am not sure exactly what this hen is. My best guess is a poor example of a hatchery golden campine? What do you guys think?

Sorry I couldn't get better pics, she is crazier than my brown leghorns. She is also my smallest hen if that helps.
Sorry I couldn't get better pics, she is crazier than my brown leghorns. She is also my smallest hen if that helps.
Possibly a bantam. They do sell EE bantam chicks and if you look at the picture for them they show a buff chicken with grey legs and a pea comb in that little group. Do you think she looks like that?
(Not my pic! It's from the Meyer Hatchery website)
WOW! Glad I asked. This whole time I thought it was a campine, right size, blue legs, lacing to the feathers, gold head neck, but they have a LOT more black in their lacing. I never gave it a thought, I was thinking they were all standard, the chicks were all about the same size. It does look a lot like the bantam EEer in the pic, but with no muff, but one of my three standard EEs has no muff either, and being basicly mutts they can all look different. I think your right EEer bantam, should be laying eggs soon and then maybe I'll know for sure. Thanks!

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