

7 Years
May 18, 2012
New Yawk
One of my favorite chickens dropped dead a few days ago. Literally, dropped dead. There were no wounds, blood, nothing. I found her on the floor of my coop, and it seemed like a lot of the hay had been moved out from under her, like a nest type thing. She was about 7 months old. Her behavior had been completly normal for her and it really just came as a devastating shock. Her name was Henrietta and she was a golden campine. If you have any idea what might have caused this please help. Thanks.
Without doing a necropsy you may never know.
Sudden death in that age bird can be from at least 10 different things.
I had an unexplained death once and opened her up. She was so fat that her gizzard was completely surrounded by fat.
I immediately put that flock on a diet. No treats or scratch for a week.
I have no idea what could have caused her to die so suddenly, I will follow your thread to see what more experienced people think. Is there any way you could have a necropsy done? It might answer questions for you. I am sorry for your loss.
OK thanks that's what I figured. She's already buried so I won't be able to do a necropsy but hopefully it won't affect the rest of my flock.

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