you cant say this, without telling us what kind

ok ok ok , here goes
coturnix quail

but are they hatchery pullets, are they your hatchlings? we just need more info here!!
quial I hatched them. I think im gonna ask $5.00 each for these

frizzle and polish hatchery. And Im selling these at $8.00 each
they will be 2 weeks by then
all as straight run , but i alraedy had an idea on which ones are pullets yesterday but i did not seperated them, all i can due is suggest which ones i think.
hope to be parked next to you again!! LOL i need a frizzled pullet to go with my forest, i am not afraid of another roo if that is what i choose, i just hope i dont.
i wanted to say, if you can or are bringing a coop with you i am worried this location might not have the space for your trailer. some of us will be parking on grass, i just wanted you to have a heads up. if you can or want to then you can bring the one in the truck. hope this is ok

we will not be bringing the trailor. thank you for the heads up. not sure what dh will be bringing. he kind of got the deer in the headlights look when I told him next weekend. he is sort of working on stuff for me because I bought adult birds. he is building me a new coop. monday he plans to build a roof for my run on the old coop. brought home the wood tonight. he is such a good man.

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