someone is looking for pekin ducks, please forgive if spelling is off, i have a head cold and dont want to look it up.'
anyone have any for sale??
I'm not a chicken owner yet, but I've been reading everything I can on this website for days... if I attend on Sunday, I'm guessing I should show some restraint and NOT come home with any birds yet... but that will be so hard!

Just how difficult is it to start with chicks? Where would I keep the chicks while they're small... in the basement? How long would I have to get my coop built? Is it easier to just start with older birds?

Any advice will be welcome!
if you would like to find me at plaistow I will give you tons of advice. I started with a rubbermaid bucket,thermometer, and a brooder light. welcome to byc. we build coops also.
here is an idea of what you need to start.
dont even tempt me about the cat! she brings gifts, i took her to be spayed and the following day was a holiday so the surgery was cancelled and so now guess what?? oh yes, its lovely

and this mornings gift, mouse, oh yes lovely. cat anyone???
LOL the same thing happened with my cat, she snuck heat i early and now I am going to be the proud grandmother type again ,

when will I learn to get them spayed at 4 months old, geesh.

but as for presants I have 2 that do that with mice, rats, and the biggest oldest, meanest cat took on the stupid mink before we trapped it. so I honestly cant complain about the furry presents they bring me.
If everything goes according to plan, ( new meds and testing them out with driving) I will be going to plaistow. anyone interested in old english game cocks? they are NOT fighting birds , they are actually very sweet for OEG's but I have way too many and need to thin them down a bit.
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