Naked neck silkie?

A showgirl is a cross between a Silkie and a Turken (also called Naked Neck) then crossed back to a Silkie, possibly for a few generations. It depends if you want the dark skin and five toes as to how much crossing back you need.

The naked neck is a dominant trait, so it is easy. The silkie feathers are a recessive trait so you have to cross back to get that to pair up. To get a chicken with the naked neck and the silkie feathers is at least a two generation breeding project.

There is another name for a showgirl without a naked neck. It’s called a Silkie. You can get that without crossing anything. Just buy a Silkie.
Ridgerunner a silkie question hope you are familiar I bought some porcelain silkie eggs from a lady really wanted splash but hers werent laying shesaid
Now grown they do have black spots like a splash.I have never seen a splash or porcelain silkie so what is the right color.Is p orcelain a champagne?I was also given some
splash from another lady and they all look the same to me.Can you define porcelain color and splash? Dont know what to advertise their eggs as
Sorry, can’t help you. I have no idea what porcelain is. All I know about Splash is that it is black and white. I think it normally looks like black on white but I’m not sure that is all the time.

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