Name help!!!

He's beautiful! It's amazing that there are so many fantastic breeds....never saw this one. I liked the idea of Napolean....he does look very regal.
Angus, Raphael, Otto, Atlas, Orion, Phoenix, Pegasus, Hawkes (from Harry Potter) Valentino, Tristan.
Let us know what you pick.
OOOH! I like the name Tristan!!! I like the name Napolean too but that is the name of this chick's potential father lol either Nepoleon (smooth roo with frizzle hens) or Amadeus (frizzle roo with smooth hens)... Hawkes is another good name but I have another chick in this batch with the name of "Hawk" I also like Orion an Pheonix!! keeping these names in mind!! thank you!!

so names in mind at the moment -

Andre (via Laura aka Zoomummzy)
Tristan, Orion, Pheonix (via Cluck)
Rian (via Kim)
In keeping with the castle theme, how about these knights of the Round Table: Lancelot, Galahad, Percival, or Gawaine. Or you could go historical: Charlemagne, Octavian, Antony, Casanova, Don Juan, or Ludwig (not Beethoven, but the king who built the Bavarian fairy castle of Neuschwanstein). Or literary: Edmund Dantes, Mr. Darcy, Sir Percy, Aramis, D'Artagnan, or ... drum roll please ... Cyrano de Bergerac. Good luck!

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